Saturday, December 23, 2017

New York Times: President Trump Reportedly Said Haitians 'All Have AIDS' And Nigerians Live In 'Huts'

Business Insider: Trump reportedly said Haitians 'all have AIDS' and Nigerians live in 'huts' during outburst on immigration

* President Donald Trump reportedly said 15,000 Haitians who received US visas "all have AIDS" and 40,000 Nigerians would never "go back to their huts" after seeing the US.
* Trump made the reported comments during a June meeting, after growing frustrated at the amount of foreigners allotted visas to the US.
* The White House has vehemently denied that Trump used those terms in the meeting.

President Donald Trump reportedly grew enraged at a June meeting over the amount of visas awarded to travelers from certain countries, grumbling that 15,000 Haitians who entered the United States in the preceding months "all have AIDS" and that the 40,000 Nigerian visitors would never "go back to their huts" in Africa.

He also complained about 2,500 people who had traveled to the US from Afghanistan, which he said was a terrorist haven, according to a New York Times report citing two officials who had either attended or were briefed on the meeting.

The White House has vehemently denied that Trump used the words "AIDS" and "huts" in his remarks, though they did not refute The Times' overall characterization of the meeting.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Anonymous sources?

More News On The New York Times Report That President Trump Reportedly Said Haitians 'All Have AIDS' And Nigerians Live In 'Huts'

White House denies report that Trump said Haitian immigrants 'all have AIDS' -- The Hill
White House denies report that Trump made offensive remarks about immigrants -- CBS News
WH denies NYT report claiming Trump said Haitian immigrants 'all have AIDS' -- CNN
White House denies 'outrageous' claims that Trump said 'everyone in Haiti has AIDS' and Nigerian immigrants 'will never go back to their huts after being allowed into the US' -- Daily Mail


Unknown said...

I have met two recent African immigrants.

One stocked shelves. Apparently, we have a shortage of shelf stockers.

I do not know what the other one did.

There is no reason for millions of immigrants legal or illegal.

Anonymous said...

Aizino have you ever thought that your were lucky to be born where you were born? Most of us who comment here were lucky enough to be born in a country that can offer us ample opportunity for growth and give us basic security. Have you never thought of the misery in other countries? Sure you could say "stay in your own country and build it up"..but if you ever had that kind of discussion with anyone you'll quickly learn that it's sometimes almost equivalent with choosing guaranteed poverty, guaranteed to be robbed several times in their life and sometimes worse. please rethink your comment. .it's one of the worst things I've read on this blog

B.Poster said...


While your comment is directed at Aizino, I have thought a great deal about the blessings of being born and living in America. We owe the world NOTHING!! I owe you NOTHING!!

Very respectfully people who think as you do have led us to such foolishness as 1.)expanding NATO to Russia's borders, 2.)a massive wellfare state as exists in America that has bankrupted us, 3.)interventions in Iraq and Libya, and 4.)perhaps worst of all stupidly supporting the chump government of Ukraine further undermining the much needed goal of improving our relations with Russia.

I could go on. Americans have had enough of you and your ilk trying to lay a "guilt trip" on us for an imagined success. With all due respect most of us are all doing all we can to try and feed, clothe, and shelter our familes. We desperately desire the lifestyle and dignity Canadians, Australians, Germans, and most of the "west" take for granted.

Very respectfully BE GONE FROM US and DO NOT try and manipulate us. You probably live in western Europe, Canada, or Australia. As such, we Americans can only hope and dream of the lifestyle, security, and opportunities for advancement that you have always had and take for granted.

Anonymous said...

Why is this even a story?

Unknown said...


Is there a universal law, god given law or something else that says that the U.S. is the worlds charity and will take in numerous people up to and including 7 billion people?

1) Just how many people do you think that the U.S. can take.

2) The Lib_____ of say Portland, Oregon have limits to urban sprawl/growth. Well, if you have yuge immigration that policy is going to fail at some point. I don;t like my cities and towns being contiguous from seas to shining sea like Asia or Europe.

Which bring up another point. Outr culture is every bit or more so as endangered as Eskimo culture.

3) If the U.S. acts as a pressure relief valve for any country that has the ills of bad governance, what mechanism is there for that country to get better? The losing side decamps for America. The country has a small respite of peace and the process repeats. Some countries have been effed up for over a 100 years. See #1 above. How many people can you take? You and George Clooney should open up your homes, NOW!

You get the victims or losers coming to a Western country. But often the ethnic group or the faction of the winners is there as well and you get rioting.

For example in Germany you have the losers in Turkey, the Kurds. You also have the Turks in Germany too. And they riot, fight, and demonstrate against each other. That will happen in the US. So I suggest that you stop breathing methane.

BTW the stock clerk hooked up with some one from government housing and I am sure they will be as angry as every other liberal/Leftist educated black person soon.

PS There is no guaranteed poverty in Sudan or elsewhere. There is just bad governance. Sudan has much oil wealth. It should be doing better, but there is the whole thing about tribes and Islam. Sudan should be rich. For tourism they have pyramids and the Red Sea. They have oil and mineral wealth. They could generate solar power. They are near the equator, which is a bonus. If they are poor it is because of bad governance and greedy people.

Unknown said...

Anon--how can you not see that we have no need to import workers whatsoever?
Certainly not from overseas.
It sells all of us underachievers who were born here down the river.
Who has looked out for the U.S. born worker?

And I'm sure anon would claim to feel for the poor.
What I say is said without malice.

Unknown said...

In Uncle Don's defense, prior to this minor outburst he did ask and receive General Kelly's permission to speak freely.

Unknown said...


You really are a class act. Which class is yet TBD.

How can a roofer, carpenter or construction worker cope with Mexicans who, will sleep 12 to a house on the floor in sleeping bags?

They'll send their money back to their family and it will support them. If an American worker lived the same way and sent money to their family (out of state or whatever) it would not support them.

Consider that. Not only did they violate federal law, but they are violating city ordinances.