Thursday, December 28, 2017

President Trump 'Very Disappointed' That China Is Allowing Oil Shipments Into North Korea

The Guardian: Trump claims China 'caught red handed' transferring oil to North Korea

* President’s tweet says such moves would prevent ‘friendly solution’ to crisis
* Beijing says it ‘completely and strictly’ enforces UN sanctions

Donald Trump on Thursday said he was “very disappointed that China is allowing oil to go into North Korea” and said such moves would prevent “a friendly solution” to the crisis over Pyongyang’s nuclear program.

Earlier, China said there had been no sanction-breaking oil transfers between Chinese ships and North Korean vessels, of the kind described by a South Korea newspaper, Chosun Ilbo, which said spy satellites had detected 30 instances of such transfers since October.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: President Trump was reacting to these reports .... Chinese Ships Spotted Breaking North Korean Sanctions On Oil (December 26, 2017). The Chinese have not responded to these accusations.

More News On President Trump's Remarks That China Is Allowing Oil Shipments Into North Korea

Trump says China 'Caught RED HANDED' allowing oil into North Korea -- Reuters
Trump 'disappointed' in China over NKorea sanctions -- AFP
‘RED HANDED’: Trump attacks China on Twitter after report of North Korea oil transfer -- NBC/AP
Trump rips China for alleged oil sales to North Korea -- The Hill
Donald Trump 'very disappointed' with China for alleged oil shipments into North Korea -- Deutsche Welle
In tweet, Trump accuses China of allowing oil to reach North Korea -- Los Angeles Times
Trump 'Very Disappointed' China Exports Oil to N Korea, Despite Their Denial -- Sputnik
'Caught RED HANDED!' Trump claims China selling oil to N. Korea despite sanctions -- RT


Anonymous said...

The Chinese have to decide where they stand on North Korea. They can no longer have the cake, and eat it too, so to speak. You cannot sell a country like North Korea - that for years now has threatened to annihilate the US and even went out of its way to produce propaganda videos showing US cities engulfed in nuclear fire - everything from oil to the mobile missile launch systems to even the rocket fuel they will use to target our cities AND THEN ON TOP 1) pretend you are not doing that and 2) tell the US you would not allow it to invade North Korea

UN-BE-F*CKING-LIEVABLE what China does and has been doing for years.

B.Poster said...


You are spot on. DJT as an outsider looking in who likely spent little time studying such things beyond his next business deal before becoming POTUS likely didn't understand such things. Unlike previous US leaders he seems to be catching on. This is what businesspeople do. We adapt.

As I predicted in September 2016, "war in 6 months," the prediction still stands. Nlrth Korea and their allies are backing us into a corner and leaving us no choice. Assuming DJT understands this perhaps we have a chance to survive as a nation.

As it stands right now, best case scenario millions of Americans will die. Countries like Russia have conducted nuclear evacuation drills and have nuclear fallout shelters for their people to go to. The US has nothing like any of this.

We should have worked on this. We didn't. Now we have only until early March to prepare. Unfortunately many are still in denial. This may even include China.

Bob Huntley said...

There is a lot of unbelievable crap going on around the world with no end in sight.

fazman said...

Best case scenario?
Most likely scenario is a very limited response designed NOT to inflict mass casualties to a u.s surgical strike, mostly for propaganda and then more sabre rattling.
Sorry B, l agree with war by March, but 4 week limited campaign, north will be spent, a coup of Kim orchestrated by China, Russia doing zilch and u.s , Japan and south Korea hurting with casualties under 20,000 combined.
No nukes, no anthrax, zero, zilch

Anonymous said...

Fazman I hope you're right. Ultimately we have to look at the long term picture here. .we can assume that every year there are thousands perhaps tens of thousands of North Koreans dying in labour/prison camps, so there is a moral obligation for us to promote change. It could perhaps pay off the thousands of dead by saving more or many more over the years to come and to on top help north Korea to become a successful state and well integrated member in the world. I think over time they will also understand that we had almost no other choice than to try to disable the nukes or somehow overthrow the government (again, only for the purpose of freeing imprisoned slave workers/raising living standards for the sick and helpless/and securing nukes). And China should also be assured over time that we don't mean harm, but China must openly commit and openly demonstrate the it is committed to become a partner rather than a parasitic, aggressive adversary. But they don't even closely see or are willing to admit what they have been doing for decades to our economies, companies and now to our security. It must end.

Americanadian soldier said...

Bring on the naval blockade