Thursday, December 28, 2017

U.S. And Israel Have Reached An Agreement To Counter Iran

Axios: Scoop: U.S. and Israel reach joint plan to counter Iran

The U.S. and Israel have reached a joint strategic work plan to counter Iranian activity in the Middle East. U.S. and Israeli officials said the joint understandings were reached in a secret meeting between senior Israeli and U.S. delegations at the White House on December 12th.

What it means: A senior U.S. official said that after two days of talks the U.S. and Israel reached at a joint document which included understandings on countering Iranian actions in the region. The U.S. official said the document goal's was to translate President Trump's Iran speech to joint U.S.-Israeli strategic goals regarding Iran and to set up a joint work plan.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: What is interesting about this U.S. - Israeli agreement (if true) is this .... The U.S. and Israel Just Admitted the Iran Deal Is Worth Keeping (New Yorker).

More News On Reports That The U.S. And Israel Have Reached An Agreement To Counter Iran

US, Israel reach cooperation agreement on Iran: report -- The Hill
Report: US and Israel formulate a plan to stop Iran – together -- Jerusalem Post
Report: US, Israel sign secret deal to counter Iranian threat -- Arutz Sheva
Report: US, Israel sign secret pact to tackle Iran -- Trend News Agency


B.Poster said...

The "deal" itself may have merit. Unfortunately the whole process of the deal pretty much ensured Iran could violate any agreements reached with impunity while America would have to honor it's portion.

Just who are the P5+1? Russia and China? Essentially adversaries. Britain, France, and Germany? "Allies" but not reliable ones. As members of NATO, smart US leaders should be kept up late at night worrying about when these "allies" are going to draw us into a war that is contrary to our interests and when and where will these "allies" stab us in tbe back.

So yes perhaps the deal is worth keeping assuming Iran's portion can be enforced. This has been the problem all along. This is why we can't move US/Iran conflict resolution to a UN Tribunal. There's no mechanism in place to ensure Iranian compliance with any findings the tribunal might reach.

The same applies to the Iran "deal." If a way can be found to ensure Iranian compliance, perhaps the deal is worth "keeping."

Anonymous said...

The deal is worthless , it give the politicians a saving face that they did something . Trump may have to thank Obama for that, without it , you will have Nork 2.0 , and unlike the other one this one have tentacles that are far reaching .
As for the backstabbing allies , it was by the US doing , after 9/11 everyone was behind the US, heart and soul and went to Afghanistan . Then the Iraq debacle ( coalition of the willing , freedom fries et al) , financial crisis , leadership crisis and now trump (america first).
People simply lost faith in the US , and the world now everyone for himself , and word like allies don't exist anymore . But you always remember where it all started .

B.Poster said...


Everyone was not behind the US after 911. They said some nice things, got paid fabulously well for their token assistance, and perhaps posed for a few photo ops.

As for Iraq, many of our "allies" actively worked to undermine our efforts. They had business ties to Iraq and the Hussein government and would stop at nothing to preserve them. Additionally, via programs like "oil for food" the Iraqi government had acquired much influence and a world wide reach. As such, many people probably acted as they did out of fear of what Iraqi leadership might do to them. To make matters even worse, Iraq had basically co opted the weapons inspections program where it became a de facto arm of the Iraqi government.

If the world lost faith in the US, it is because the expectations being placed on the US and its people were never realistic. Also, we did a poor job of tampering down such unrealistic expectations. DJT, for all of his flaws, at least appears to have dropped the nonsense that America is somehow "exceptional." Also, to the best of my knowledge at least, he has refrained from such non sense as referring to America as a "super power." While some team members have used the nonsense of America as a "super power," to best of my knowledge he has not.

I do recall one Sebastian Gorka making such a ridiculous claim on Fox News. He was fired soon after. I suspect that idiotic rant had something to do with it.

fazman said...

DJT constantly refers to the u.s as a superpower, in fact financially and military it is,arguably the only one for now.

B.Poster said...


I don't recall him using the term "superpower" to refer to America. He has referred to the country as being "very, very powerful." Such a statement may well be correct especially if he really did upgrade the nuclear arsenal as his first order of business ad he said he did. The term "very, very powerful" could also be used to describe Russia, China, and a host of other countries.

Military superpower? As you will recall the editor posted an articke where a Russian ace pilot explained the Russians were able to achieve a superior position to the Americans pretty much every time. The editor went on to claim the Americans "allowed" this. As I pointed out, and meaning no disrespect such a claim makes no sense. My conclusion: had this fight gone "hot" the Russians would have beaten us and beaten us badly. You stated I had no evidence for this. Here's the evidence or at least part of it. Actual medals were handed out. Had this been a propaganda stunt medals would not have been handed out. There's no worse morale killer than the "participation trophy." As such, my conclusion still stands. As elaborated on in the previous post the idea that the American pilots allowed this to happen not only has no merit but may even be "grasping at straws" to maintain an ideological "sacred cow."

Assuming the nuclear arsenal actually works which would be a risky assumption given the poor maintenance records and substandard training of the crews, the United States may indeed be "very, very powerful" militarily. If DJT really did upgrade it as he said he did, then such a statement is accurate. Since the US lacks the conventional capabilities of some of its adversaries, it will need to place a greater emphasis on this than countries like Russia or China will.

B.Poster said...


The previous post was running long so I decided to break it into two posts.

Financial superpower? Hardly, the country is deeply in debt, infrastructure is in terrible shape, and there isn't money to fix it. Homelessness and bittet grinding poverty are a huge problem. Few Americans even dare dream of having the lifestyle our Canadian neighbors take for granted.

Having the US dollar as world reserve currency has allowed America to "punch above its weight." This is ending soon. The main goal needs to be a "soft landing" as I have discussed. Even the "deal maker" seems utterly clueless about this.

Financial superpower? Hardly, Petomkin Village is a more accurate description. I might add the US is utterly dependent on others for many basic manufactured goods. Please don't waste my time or the time of other Americans with such nonsense. At least the "deal maker" appears to grasp this portion.

Frankly, DJT's rejection of the "superpower" and "exceptional" nonsense to describe America is a huge factor in getting him elected. If he stays the course he can succeed but he will need to begin preparing America for the inevitable loss of the US dollar as reserve currency.