Friday, December 29, 2017

Rasmussen Poll: President Trump's Approval Rating Same As President Obama's After First Year

Newsweek: Trump Approval Rating Same as Obama After First Year, at Least According to One Poll

President Donald Trump and his predecessor, Barack Obama, have at least one thing in common: identical approval and disapproval ratings in one national poll after their first year in office.

Rasmussen Reports' latest poll showed Thursday that Trump had a 46 percent approval rating compared to a 53 percent disapproval figure, which were near the same percentages Obama received at the end of 2009.

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WNU Editor: We should always be skeptical when it comes to polls. After-all .... need I remind everyone that on the day that President Trump got elected almost all of them were predicting a Hillary Clinton landslide.


Unknown said...

It is Rassmussen.

I could expect that it could be off by 10 percentage points.

Real Clear Politics will use a 'basket' of polls to track popularity.

Plus many people are not polled with cell phones.

fred said...

Rasmussen is ALWAYS more positive about a right of center thing or person; and they never reflect any aggregated other polls

fred said...

While the Fake News loves to talk about my so-called low approval rating, @foxandfriends just showed that my rating on Dec. 28, 2017, was approximately the same as President Obama on Dec. 28, 2009, which was 47%…and this despite massive negative Trump coverage & Russia hoax!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 29, 2017

Fox/Rasmussen=fake polls

Unknown said...

A statistic that is consistently off the true value is said to have bias.

A poll is a sampling. Thew Rasmussen is just that a sample.

If the Rasmussen Poll has a bias than use a multiplier. You also should look at the trend.

Remember that the editor of Newsweek that the media was worth 15 points. That comment bring into question whether Rasmussen is right or other polls are on what people truly think.

Still if the media can skew polls clear through to election and affects its results "perception is/becomes" reality and the victors write the history books. They write them until they run the economy into the ground and there is a revolution.

fred said...

My considered guess Smith, is that the Russians had more influence in swing state voting that a skewing by media.
I never ever pay attention to Rasmussen but, as you noted, aggregated polls.

B.Poster said...

So we don't like the message, attack the messenger. While we cannot always "know" what people are thinking, I suspect that DJT's approval rating is actually much higher than is generally reported.

I know from experience that during the run up to election night, many large employers made it subtly very clear that their employees were NOT to campaign for DJT, they were not to state publically that they supported him, and they were not to wear any of his apparel or have bumper stickers indicating such support.

There were basically two things at work here one of them more obvious one of them less obvious. 1.)First the most obvious. People do not wish to be attacked by antifa thugs and those who are like minded. Companies who have much at stake do not wish to have their property vandalized by such people nor do they want their team members to be placed at risk by such people. 2.)HRC was expected to win and tussling with a Clinton has often ended badly. Additionally, such support for DJT assuming he lost could have meant the loss of lucrative government contracts or worse. The company could find itself "black listed."

Keep in mind this was happening in one of the "reddest" of the red states where I live which happens to be one of the "reddest" areas within the "red" state of TX. I can only imagine the pressure people would have faced in a so called "swing state." As such, many are going to be extremely reluctant to tell a pollster they support DJT.

The same dynamics especially the most obvious one in point 1 are still basically at work. While I certainly could be mistaken, based upon this analysis DJT's approval ratings are likely much higher than the polls indicate.

Unknown said...

So poll people in swing states that voted for DJT and ask why they voted for him or voted against the crook Hillary.

Hillary is unique in having her own private server for government docs.

There is no way that millions of service members or Federal workers would be upset that Hillary got away with such a great crime.