Sunday, January 21, 2018

The U.S. Prepares For War Against North Korea

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, center. KCNA via Reuters

Business Insider: The US appears to be quietly preparing for nuclear war with North Korea

* Despite the appearance of thawing tensions with North Korea, both Washington and Pyongyang have made several steps that suggest things could escalate soon.
* The US has quietly moved heavy firepower, like nuclear bombers and aircraft carriers, to the region.
* On the sidelines of important diplomatic meetings, talk of military action has been ever present, if not front and center.

While much of the world has celebrated the progress in talks between North Korea and South Korea ahead of the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang next month, as well as an apparent thaw in tensions with North Korea, the US has taken steps to move heavy firepower to the region.

And though the US says it will delay its yearly military exercises with South Korea until the end of the Paralympics in March, it has elsewhere trained for scenarios that seem tailor-made for fighting North Korea.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: A few years ago I remarked that you know that the U.S. is serious about North Korea when they position/deploy 3 aircraft carrier strike groups and their B-2 bombers near the Korean peninsula. Well .... that is exactly what happened in November. And while these aircraft carriers have since departed, they can easily return if ordered to. Bottom line .... the U.S. has prepared itself for a worst case scenario .... even making sure that there are enough bombs and missiles in the region that can fuel the war for a long time .... This Is Why Guam Is In North Korea's Cross-Hairs (October 25, 2017).


Bob Huntley said...


The stage is set for some insignificant group to plant and detonate a nuke in either NK or the US, perhaps both to kick off Armageddon. Imagine that, a war to end all wars, and possibly mankind too started by nothing more, than useless blustery rhetoric.

fazman said...

Only in a Tom Clancy novel

War News Updates Editor said...

I have changed the moderation function for posting comments .... I no longer monitor them. But I do check what is posted when I have the time later, and if I feel that a comment has violated the guidelines of this blog, I will delete them. They have been deleted.

fazman said...

Thanks for the reply