Thursday, February 1, 2018

Growing Anger In Kabul Over The Never-Ending War

Reuters: Protest in Kabul as Afghan officials press Pakistan over attacks

KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan demonstrators protested outside the Pakistani embassy in Kabul on Thursday as senior Afghan officials said they had handed over evidence connecting insurgents based in Pakistan with a recent spate of attacks that killed more than 100 people.

The protest, in which dozens of people burnt flags and chanted, “Death to Pakistan”, was not large, but it came during a period of heightened tension in the Afghan capital following two major attacks in the past two weeks.

On Thursday, Interior Minister Wais Barmak and Masooom Stanekzai, head of the NDS intelligence service, returned from a visit to Islamabad, where they had pressed Pakistani authorities to move against Taliban leaders based in the country.

“We provided Pakistan with documents about Taliban operating centres inside Pakistan and we expect Pakistan to act against them,” Barmak told a news conference in Kabul.

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WNU Editor: For as long as I can remember Afghanistan has been at war. And while there is a lot of justifiable debate in the U.S. and elsewhere on why are we there, the real debate should be among the Afghans themselves, and why have they tolerated this state of perpetual war for as long as they have.

More News On The Growing Frustration In Afghanistan Over The Never-Ending War

Protests erupt in Kabul over recent attacks, amid allegations of Pakistani involvement -- Washington Post
Protest Held In Kabul Amid Tense Afghan-Pakistani Ties -- Radio Free Europe
Afghanistan says it has proof attackers trained in Pakistan -- Stars and Stripes
Violence in Kabul is so extreme, residents are carrying 'in case I die' notes -- USA TODAY
A Fresh Wave of Terrorist Attacks Has Rocked Afghanistan. Here's What to Know -- TIME
Beyond Pakistan, Afghanistan's Most Serious Problem Is Governance -- The Diplomat
Kabul Protests Against Pakistani Hand in Recent Terrorist Attacks (PHOTOS) -- Sputnik International


jac said...

This is a civil war. That's pretty rare that an external force can close the war. The counter example of the civil Spanish war before WWII show the German forces took a huge "out of war" way we cannot do as a democracy. We have to let the Afghan's to decide their own way and leave this war without any regret.

Unknown said...

The Afghans can do a favor.

They can get real or take a poll.

Getting real, they can join the government in large enough number, fight hard enough and be absolutely merciless to ISIS and the Taliban.


They can take a poll where a convincing number of them (not 51% or 58%) say 75% or more want the U.S. out. I would be happy, if we left.

It would not be because of battle field defeat / Democrat skullduggery.

The Afghans can go back to bans on music, stoning women, child brides, hosting terrorist groups (Al Qaeda), being Iranian and Pakistani pawns, executions in the soccer stadium, sports bans, child brides, bacha bazi and all the other things that make them great.

And then the Russians or Chinese will carpet bomb, them because radicals will cross the border to the north and rile up the '-stans'