Thursday, March 15, 2018

A Look At How A Nuclear Submarine Crashes Through The Arctic Ice

Navy Times: This is how a nuclear submarine crashes through Arctic Circle ice

A submarine smashing it’s way through Arctic ice is certainly impressive from the outside, but what’s happening below the surface?

The Navy posted the above video showing an animation of the Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine Hartford’s surfacing in the Arctic Ocean last week for Ice Exercise 2018, or ICEX. Superimposed on the animation is a live-action view of inside the Hartford as it surfaces.

It’s a tense moment to be sure, but professionals make it look like an easy, almost everyday occurrence.

But surfacing submarines aren’t the only thing happening at ICEX. The Hartford was joined by the Seawolf-class fast attack submarine Connecticut and the Royal Navy’s Trafalgar-class submarine HMS Trenchant. The crews have set up Ice Camp Skate, a temporary camp built on a sheet of ice.

Read more ....

Update #1: Submarines USS Hartford And Connecticut Poke Through The Ice In Arctic Rendezvous -- Hartford Courant
Update #2: Inside the US nuclear sub challenging Russia in the Arctic -- CNN

WNU Editor: Impressive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's freaking cool.. we can break through thick ice while submerged thousands of miles away.. awesome.. BUT.. it's 2018 and we still cannot save people from buildings higher than 12 floors lol
we can't even save people in a crashing plane. How f'cked up is this? Every year we have hundreds of people (likely thousands) burning to death in buildings that are too high for ladders, just because of prioritization of how we spend money.. breaking through ice is cool and all that.. but the cold war and the spending of trillions of dollars on both sides every decade is just insane while people crash in cars due to shitty infrastructure often, burn in buildings, crash in airplanes, etc etc..
so again.. cool we can do these things with the ice stuff and cool we got this super bloated military budget, but when the f do we start saving people who die every day in the thousands despite the technology is there? oh right, THAT's the job of the private sector, right? saving people.. keeping people save is the job of the government too and I am getting sick and tired of spending all this money on warfare