Thursday, March 15, 2018

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- March 15, 2018

Russian President Putin. Twitter

Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg: Putin Isn't Scared Yet, But He Should Be

U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May has launched a promising line of attack on his regime.

U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May's immediate response to the attempted poisoning of Russian double agent Sergei Skripal in Salisbury won't impress anyone in the Kremlin. May, however, has indicated a promising line of attack on President Vladimir Putin's regime: An international effort to punish Russia for maintaining an undeclared stockpile of chemical weapons.

May announced the expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats "identified as undeclared intelligence officers," the biggest one since 1971, when 90 Russians were forced to leave. But the Kremlin has been prepared for this largely symbolic response, and it will not be hard to announce a symmetrical one before too long. All that will entail is a potential disruption to travel between Russia and the U.K., like the one that followed tit-for-tat expulsions with the U.S. last year.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- March 15, 2018

How Russia spies in the UK -- Tom Rogan, Washington Examiner

Time's Up: Trump Can't Have It Both Ways on Russia -- Eli Lake, Bloomberg

Where the West has gone wrong in Syria's civil war -- Kersten Knipp, DW

State Department shake-up leaves Qatar hanging -- Jack Detsch, Al-Monitor

After Tillerson, is Gulf crisis heading for a long 'cold peace'? -- William Roberts, Al Jazeera

The world’s trade and stability rest on three men as they prepare to play the Great Game -- Richard Harris, SCMP

Mackinder and Mahan: The Chinese Geopolitics in South Asia -- Jennifer Loy, RCD

25 Years of North Korea Negotiations -- Mike Chinoy, The Cipher Brief

Analyze South Korea Before Turning to North Korea -- Jeffrey Robertson, The Strategist

Aung San Suu Kyi comes to ASEAN summit with reputation tarnished -- Nicholas Farrelly and Adam Simpson, ABC News Online

Egypt's 2018 presidential 'election': What you need to know -- Al Jazeera

Russia, Novichok and the Future of the Chemical Weapons Convention -- Michael Shoebridge, The Strategist

Elon Musk has good reason to be angry about China's astronomical import tariffs -- Bill Birtles, ABC News Online

The world’s trade and stability rest on three men as they prepare to play the Great Game -- Richard Harris, SCMP

I Knew the Cold War. This Is No Cold War. -- Stephen Walt, Foreign Policy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Famous British battle cries of the last 100 years:

WWI: "We will fight the barbaric Hun to the last American!"

WWII: "We will fight the Godless Nazi to the last American!"

WWIII: "We will fight the politically incorrect Ruski until the last American!"