Saturday, March 10, 2018

Inside The North Korean Dinner That Led To An Understanding That A Trump-Kim Meeting Was Necessary

Reuters: Over hotpot and soju, North Korea's Kim Jong Un joked about himself: South Korea officials

North Korea’s Kim Jong Un joked about his image in international media while serving South Korean officials local spirits and cold noodles during their unprecedented visit to Pyongyang this week, two South Korean government sources said.

During the meeting, Kim committed to giving up his nuclear weapons and told the South Korea officials he would like to meet U.S. President Donald Trump, delegation leader Chung Eui-yong told reporters at the White House on Thursday - a potentially dramatic breakthrough in nuclear tensions with Pyongyang.

Kim made light-hearted remarks about how he is viewed outside North Korea in international media and elsewhere, one Blue House official said. The officials who spoke asked to remain unnamed due to the sensitivity of the issue.

The North Korean leader, repeatedly derided as “Little Rocket Man” by Trump, was “very aware” of his image, the official said, and reacted to comments made about him in a “relaxed” manner by joking about himself from time to time.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The line that caught my attention was the following ....

.... “The bottles kept coming,” said another administrative source who had official knowledge of the meeting.

So .... was this "deal" hatched before the booze .... while they were drinking .... or after the booze.

Update: Zero Hedge's analysis is probably correct .... "The Bottles Kept Flowing" - Inside The Dinner That Led To Trump-Kim Meeting (Zero Hedge).

1 comment:

jimbrown said...

Whatever works. We at a unique point in history. Don't underestimate North Korea's Gorbachev who wants to survive.