Monday, March 12, 2018

Japan Is About To Scrap Its Own Homegrown Fighter Jet

Popular Mechanics: Japan May Scrap Its Homegrown Fighter Jet

Tokyo is reportedly looking to modify a Western jet for its own purposes, probably the F-35.

Japan’s program to build its first homegrown fighter jet since World War II is reportedly dead, a victim of sky-high costs. Instead, the country will try to develop a local version of an existing fighter, a strategy that has had decidedly mixed results in the past. All of this is taking place in the shadow of two troubling trends: Japan's aging fighter fleet and a newly aggressive Chinese air force.

The Yomiuri Shimbun reports that Japan would scrap its stealth fighter jet program, the Advanced Technology Demonstrator-Experimental (ATD-X). ATD-X produced a single developmental aircraft, known as X-2, to test key fighter technologies. But the staggering cost of fully developing a modern fighter jet, complete with engine, avionics, advanced weapons, and stealth technology, dampened Tokyo’s enthusiasm for the project.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The costs of developing your own modern fighter jet are staggering .... a fact that the Japanese have appeared to learn.


"Sebastian" said...

Modifying a jet also cost a lot of money. A Japanese variant of the F-35 will not be cheap.

Hans Persson said...

Take some notes from SAAB Aero. JAS 39 Gripen is cheap.

Caecus said...

Gripen is cheap because it's not stealth

Hans Persson said...

True, I'm sorry. I didnt really read the whole article until now. But still, cheap! :D