Thursday, April 5, 2018

Former Brazilian President Lula Ordered To Report To Prison

The Guardian: Brazil's Lula ordered to surrender after court backs jailing

Former president has plea to avoid 12-year prison sentence for corruption rejected

Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva, Brazil’s former president, has been ordered to turn himself in to the authorities to serve the 12-year jail sentence he was given after being convicted of corruption.

Lula had pleaded with the country’s supreme court to remain free until he had exhausted all his appeals, but the judges ruled by six to five against his request after 10 hours of debate. The decision will deal a serious blow to the political survival of Brazil’s first working-class president and potentially deepen divisions in the country, which has been racked by episodes of political violence.

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More News On Former Brazilian President Lula Being Ordered To Report To Prison

Brazil judge orders ex-president Lula jailed by Friday -- Reuters
Arrest warrant issued for former Brazilian president ‘Lula’ -- AP
Judge Orders Brazil's Ex-President 'Lula' to Begin Prison Term on Friday -- New York Times
Judge issues arrest warrant for ex-Brazil president Lula -- UPI
Judge orders arrest of ex-Brazil president Lula da Silva -- CNN
Former Brazilian president Lula given 24 hours to surrender and begin 12-year jail term for corruption -- South China Morning Post

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