Wednesday, April 4, 2018

President Trump Orders National Guard Troops To The Mexican Border (Update)

CBS: Trump will deploy National Guard to southern border, DHS secretary says

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said that President Trump, DHS and the Department Of Defense, working alongside governors of each state, will deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Mr. Trump will sign a proclamation certifying his intent Wednesday, Nielsen said during the White House briefing. However, the president doesn't have unilateral authority to send National Guard troops to the border. That must be done in a memorandum of agreement in conjunction with the governors of the border states, and the numbers of guardsmen are still being negotiated.

"Border security is homeland security, which is national security," she told reporters.

Read more ....

More News On President Trump Ordering National Guard Troops To The Mexican Border

Trump Will Work With Governors to Deploy National Guard to the Border -- New York Times
Trump orders National Guard to Mexican border -- AFP
Trump to deploy National Guard to southern border -- The Hill
Trump to sign proclamation to send National Guard troops to the US-Mexico border -- Washington Post
Trump sending National Guard troops to Mexico border, but they won't have contact with immigrants -- NBC
Trump Working With Governors to Send Troops to Guard Border -- U.S. News & World Report
Pentagon hustles to jump in line with Trump's border directive -- AFP


Anonymous said...

Gotta keep the rubes riled. MAGA!

Jay Farquharson said...

"SMITH: I would have a follow up question on that if I were in that position. What will the National Guard do there? When President Obama sent the National Guard to the border, they were there to advise and for surveillance. Under the laws unless permitted by Congress, the National Guard cannot detain, cannot check documents, cannot arrest, cannot do really anything along those lines. What they would be able to do is if they see someone whom they suspect to be an undocumented person coming across the border, they could call the Border Patrol. Beyond that, couldn't check documents, couldn't detail.

John Roberts, the news is that the president is going to sign a proclamation to send the national guard to the border. The question is what in the world are they going to do there?

Smith correctly points out that the only thing the National Guard can do if they actually see a person illegally crossing the border is — wait for it — the same thing *I* can do if I see someone illegally crossing the border. Alert the U.S. Border Patrol. They can provide advice and surveillance, possibly freeing up Border Patrol to do other things, but what is this move truly accomplishing?"

Chimpy McStagger sent them down to help out with the filing, faxing and photocopying, at a cost of $220,000 a head.

Good thing the Pentagon got all that extra money,

Bad thing, they arn't going to share.

If US Border State Governor's want the "help", ( Cali's out), they are going to have to pay for it out of School funds.

fred said...

trump doing the dumb thing once again to make his dumb supporters happy...the numbers of those coming North are down down down...the troops can do nothing but smile and call the real border patrols...he now announces what he has thus far done on the wall and what is there was already in place prior to the election