Sunday, April 8, 2018

Syrian Rescue Workers: At Least 70 Killed In Suspected Chemical Attack In Douma

Daily Mail: Trump warns Russia and Iran there will be a 'big price to pay' for backing 'Animal Assad' as US joins The Pope and Britain in condemning Syrian 'nerve agent' attack that killed more than 70 people

* Syrian activists and rescuers say a poison gas attack on a rebel-held town killed at least 70 people yesterday
* The alleged attack in the town of Douma in Eastern Ghouta came amid a resumed offensive after a truce failed
* The US has hit out at the Russian government for its backing of the Assad regime after the alleged attack
* UK's Boris Johnson said the deaths were 'truly horrific' but Moscow and Syria denied the chemical attack
* President Donald Trump warned of a 'big price to pay' for Russia and Iran for their backing of 'Animal Assad'
* The Pope joined in the condemnation saying nothing could justify the use of 'instruments of extermination'
* Syria said an agreement had been reached for rebels to leave Douma with Russia offering safe passage out

President Donald Trump has warned Russia and Iran there will be a 'big price to pay' for their backing of the Assad regime in Syria after an alleged chemical attack was reported to have killed at least 70 people on Saturday.

The alleged attack in the town of Douma occurred on Saturday night amid a new offensive by Syrian government forces after the collapse of a truce, while government airstrikes resumed today on the last rebel stronghold in Eastern Ghouta.

UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said it was 'truly horrific to think that many of the victims were reportedly families seeking refuge from airstrikes in underground shelters'. The Kremlin and Assad regime denied the chemical attack while Moscow warned of the 'gravest consequences' if any foreign power intervened.

Read more ....

More News On Syrian Reports That At Least 70 Have Been Killed In A Chemical Attack In Douma

Dozens Suffocate in Syria as Government Is Accused of Chemical Attack -- New York Times
Dozens killed in suspected chemical attack on Syrian rebel enclave -- The Guardian
Alleged chemical attack strikes rebel-held Douma in Syria -- AP
Dozens dead in suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria -- DW
Reports: Assad-backed chemical attack kills dozens in Syria -- UPI
Syrian Government Accused Of Killing Dozens in Chemical Attack -- NPR
Syria chemical attack: Scores killed in Douma, rescuers say -- Al Jazeera
'Instruments of extermination': Pope joins Britain and US in CONDEMNING Syrian 'nerve agent' bomb that killed more than 70 people and left dozens of children foaming at the mouth - but Russia and Assad DENY it was a chemical attack -- Daily Mail
Suspected toxic attack in Syria prompts outrage -- AFP
'Strong suspicion' Syrian regime behind Douma chemical attack: Turkey -- AFP
Turkey condemns use of chemical weapons in Syria's Douma -- Reuters

Reaction From The U.S.

Trump says 'big price to pay' for Syria chemical attack -- Reuters
Trump calls out ‘Animal Assad’ for suspected chemical attack -- AP
'Big price to pay,' after 'mindless' Syria attack: Trump -- AFP
Trump: 'big price to pay' for suspected Syria chemical weapons attack -- The Guardian
Syria war: Trump condemns Syria for 'chemical attack' on Douma -- BBC
US 'Won't Take Anything off the Table' on Syria - White House Aide -- Sputnik
US holds Russia ‘ultimately responsible’ amid reports of dozens gassed in Syria’s Douma -- RT

Reaction From Russia

Moscow Warns Against Foreign Attack in Syrian Areas Where Russian Troops Located -- Sputnik
Moscow denies claims Syrian regime used chemical weapons in Douma -- AFP
Russian Defense Ministry refutes reports that Syrian forces use chemical weapons in Douma -- TASS
Russia says Syria gas attack reports 'fabricated' -- Reuters


Anonymous said...

This will serve as a nice diversion from US and British complicity in war crimes in Yemen.

Lob a few cruise missiles in there, that'll work for sure this time. Ugh.

Stephen Davenport said...

You have to wonder if the Russian government is either 1) incapable of controlling Assad 2) has a death wish or 3) or incompetent. Why would you allow the Assad's to use any kind of mass weapon (and yes it is the Assad's and not rebels using it) when it appears they are winning. The Russian governments recent behavior is baffling to me. The February massacre of their mercenaries, the nerve agent attack in the UK and now this. WTF is their goal here.

Unknown said...

Yes, so many war crimes in Yemen. Sure, that is it. Makes me think Bob is posting anonymously, now.

It is because of the Bobs and Anons of the world that when political actor George Clooney campaigned for thew U.S. to go into Darfur, I thought "Hell No!"

I though that because as soon as the U.S. would step into Darfur there would be some dweeb cwying "War Crimes!"


bn said...

Russia is acting more lunatic than the NK regime. They are becoming isolated in the West, only "hand" that they can play is the "Natural gas to Europe", if Germany cuts this than Russia will became much more danger and isolated.

How on Earth a democratic and responsible Gov can support this GENOCIDE?

Even the author of this blog, former UN worker, doesnt have a single comment to condemn this GENOCIDE with WMD ... so its no surprise that UN cant work and act in stituations like Syria ...

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Condemning GENOCIDE is a liberals flatulent way of engaging in a CJ.

They have fun.
They virtue signal.
They do nothing effective.

fred said...

I am a liberal. I am Jewish. I know a lot about the Holocaust. And you think I condone genocide?

Anonymous said...

Qui bono?

The Syrian government has nothing to gain from a chemical attack, especially when it is close to mopping up the remaining opposition. It has almost won.

The Syrian government has everything to lose from a chemical attack, because it invites a crushing US response. Why shoot itself in the foot?

Ipso facto, this is yet another 'chemical attack' staged by the boys from Langley, Virginia.

Nobody with a brain buys the US lies any longer.

Anonymous said...

LOL. As usual Aiz got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

Unknown said...

"I am a liberal. I am Jewish. I know a lot about the Holocaust. And you think I condone genocide?"

In words? No.

By inaction? Yes.

It is why I said your heart was in the right place and then there was a "but..."

Why don't you learn more?

You could read "The Hidden Hitler, An intimate Portrait" by Lothar Machtan.

Antisemitism has been endemic in the West since the Roman Empire.

Read up on Philipp, Prinz du Eulenberg.
Read up on Maximilian Harden who wrote for the Die Zukunft

Those 2 things along with the stab in the back theory explain a lot.

Unknown said...

You know a lot about the Holocaust.

How has knowing about the Holocaust or 'knowing' anything stopped massacres and genocide since then?

It hasn't really.

Bill Clinton knew about Rwanda. He knew, had the strongest military in the world and did squat.

Mind you during the Rwanda genocide, the U.S. was only superpower and Billy did squat.

Maybe Billy was befuddled, his mind on other things. After all he did invent the human humidor. I wonder how those cigars taste?

Smoke 'em if you got them, I guess.

Unknown said...


No one with brains buys your crap.

Tell us the supply chain of the weapons. You can't

It doesn't exist.

So now you have to go back to the drawing board and create one out of whole cloth.

Unknown said...


Here is a news report on a country entering Stage 4, terminal, liberalism.

The results of Stage IV liberalism is not pretty.

fred said...

Knowing about the Holocaust of course does not stop genocides...I am after all but a citizen and not a point that you ignore is that you state that liberals care not at all about genocide. My statement was Wrong...we do care...that is all I have said...fact: When Jews fled Europe, our nation refused to take them in...fact: my son's girlfriend's grandparents were denied entry and ended up in Mexico, where they were allowed in, till they later migrated to Texas...recall the St Louis? that was the conservative State Dept responsible for that.
What then, since you worry about the Dems, has Trump done about any genocidal things taking place? ps: Russia was then during Rwanda still a very big power and did...?
and off you drift with cigar bs

It is a nice day where I am. It is Sunday. I have a very fine study of King Lear to read and so I will leave off and trust you to carry on with perceptive and gentlemanly remarks

War News Updates Editor said...

For those who want to read King Lear, you can download it from this link ....

Unknown said...

"I am after all but a citizen and not a govt.."

You are a citizens that has a diluted vote. Your voter has been diluted by illegal aliens and corrupt politicians who stuff ballot boxes way before there was an USSR.

That said you said you met Wiesel or somebody and you would think between the 2 of you and other you could start a movement.

Unknown said...

"recall the St Louis? that was the conservative State Dept responsible for that."

Conservative State Dept? You mean Franklin Delano Roosevelt did not have control of the State Department?

Next you are going to tell me that his whole cabinet was all Republicans.

You tell some whoppers. Samuel Langhorne Clemens would want to study you!

"The St. Louis set sail from Hamburg to Cuba on May 13, 1939. The vessel under command of Captain Gustav Schröder was carrying 937 passengers, most of them Jewish refugees seeking asylum from Nazi ill-treatment of Jews in Germany. Captain Schröder was a non-Jewish German who went to great lengths to ensure dignified treatment for his passengers."

"The first inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt as the 32nd President of the United States was held on Saturday, March 4, 1939" - Wiki

Anonymous said...

Could someone please get Ainz his meds?

Unknown said...


I can back up what I write. You cannot.

Have you found out where the chemical weapons were made, which ship or air craft delivered the weapons and why the Russians did not shoot down said delivery system?

You have holes in your claim that you could fit Sagittarius A* through.

Stephen Davenport said...

The dude that keeps yipping about a Yemen conspiracy. Who knows why the Russians or Assad would do this, it makes no sense but they did it. Nothing has shown that any rebel faction has the capability to launch a major gas attack on anyone. They just don't and it surprises me the Russians either allowed this or were incapable to check their proxies. Like I said, Russia's recent behavior is baffling. Why would you test Trump like he did back February (which led to a pummeling by the US military in his own people). Why would you go after a spy in the UK, with a nerve agent that we know they have?. The Russian government is behaving oddly right now, for no real good reasons. IMO.

fred said...

Smith--you need to relax, try have mucho anger and hostility that is non stop against all Dems and those who do not agree with you, to the point that you are uncivil and hence

Long [state dept]came to believe that he was under constant attack from what he termed radicals and the Jewish press for his stance on strict immigration controls mandated by the immigration laws in force at the time. In an intra-department memo he circulated in June 1940 Long wrote: "We can delay and effectively stop for a temporary period of indefinite length the number of immigrants into the United States. We could do this by simply advising our consuls to put every obstacle in the way and to require additional evidence and to resort to various administrative devices which would postpone and postpone and postpone the granting of the visas."[3][4]

Ultimately, the effect of the immigration policies set by Long's department was that, during American involvement in the war, ninety percent of the quota places available to immigrants from countries under German and Italian control were never filled. If they had been, an additional 190,000 people could have escaped the atrocities being committed by the Nazis.

In November 1943, when the House was considering two bills that would have established a separate government agency charged with assisting the rescue of Jewish refugees, Long gave secret testimony to the House Foreign Affairs Committee saying that the majority of 580,000 refugees admitted from Europe were Jewish, and that such legislation would be a rebuke of the State Department in wartime. Long noted in his diary that day that he'd erred by speaking without notes (the actual numbers were 568,000 visas authorized and only 545,000 issued), but historians have noted his testimony was misleading because he implied that all of those were Jews.[6]

Long is largely remembered for his obstructionist role as the official responsible for granting refugee visas during World War II. He "obstructed rescue attempts, drastically restricted immigration, and falsified figures of refugees admitted. The exposure of his misdeeds led to his demotion, in 1944. He has become the major target of criticism of America's refugee and rescue policy."[7] He justified this in his diary by referencing the contemporary strict laws in the United States imposing quotas on the number of immigrants from particular countries, and his great concern about the possibility that Germany and the Soviet Union would introduce spies or subversive agents into the United States amidst the large numbers of refugees.

and no. you are wrong on destination. Cuba transit port

I knew and discussed this with HenryFeingold, author who specialized in the Holocaust and the American response...Feingold a speaker at a series I had run.
Dont like the Dems? Who was in charge and won the war? FDR and WWI? Democrat too
Note that we did not have a refugee program back then. Only an immigration policy, with quotos, which FDR will to change

fazman said...

Looks like the Russian Intel on a false flag was spot on.

Unknown said...


I had one post with one ward that was not a cussword and an acronym that I made up on the fly.

I would assert that certain people who virtue signal ear such descriptions. I do not recall George Clooney's date of service. Can you look it up for me?

Long was appointed by choose one
1) Reagan
2) George Bush
3) Herbert Hoover
4) Abraham Lincoln
5) Franklin Delano (Opium Trade) Roosevelt

"and no. you are wrong on destination. "
Argue with Wikpedia

Argue with the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

Unknown said...

The U.S. had no business being in WW1.


That is where university professor Woodrow Wilson showed his fascism.

His polemicist was a Mr. Creel.

The whole war was a waste and many people view it that way. I have known this since 2nd or 3rd grade reading all the war history books after school.

It has been reaffirmed since by other things such The Christmas Truce.

There were reasons.
You can draw lines from the The Greek War of independence to the Crimean War to WW1
Or from the 30 years War to the Franco Prussian War to WW1.

I know that is not your doctorate, but what the heck, you dabbled in sociology and psychology from what I can see from your publishing history.

Unknown said...

FDR lengthened the War with Operation Torch.

FDR also tried to kick WW2 off in the Pacific by arming a schooner. The Japanese did not take the bait.

We needed to be in WW2, but Delano certainly did not have smooth moves and he might have scapegoated an admiral and a general.

Unknown said...

"Samuel Miller Breckinridge Long (May 16, 1881 – September 26, 1958) was an American diplomat and politician who served in the administrations of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt"

"Long was a personal friend of future President Franklin Delano Roosevelt...

and generously contributed to his 1932 Presidential campaign. Roosevelt rewarded him with the position of U.S. Ambassador to..."

"Upon the outbreak of war in September 1939, he accepted appointment as a special assistant secretary of state in charge of problems arising from the war, a position he held until January 1940, "

Hmmmmmmm. But the St Louis sailed in May and he was put in charge of something in September. Oh well, the poet is not a numbers guy, so dates schmates.

Funny that.

Breckinridge only served in Democrat administrations.

Unknown said...

Maybe all the gear that the U.S. military uses for chemical weapons defense is a scam by the military industrial complex?

Or maybe journalist with years of experience as journalists and in the field they are covering are clueless?

B.Poster said...

I do not believe for a moment that the US carried out this attack. I would suggest that we consider the possibility that the "rebels" are trying to manipulate us. The US government bases much of its decision making on ideolgy. When decisions are made based upon ideology, the decision makers are vulnerable to manipulation.

fazman said...

Best to stop poking the bear

B.Poster said...


I think you are correct. While there is much blame on all sides to go around, there were a number of times that the US could have acted in ways that might have reduced tensions. Such actions would've had huge upside potential along with no downside risks. Instead the US went out of its way to inflame tensions.

As to how this will all work out, who knows. Bottom line: today we are in a new Cold Wsr that we didn't need, affording it is going to be problematic, there's no guarantee of victory, and for what? Ukraine, Syrian Al Qaeda/ISIS affiliated Syrian rebels, or the dead end Kurds who manipulated us with some slick marketing campaigns? This isn't worth it.

We need to consider the possibility that we are being manipulated by unscrupulous elements. POTUS was on the cusp of getting us out of the Syrian mess ee never should jave been in in the first place. Now this!! These "rebels" are becoming WAY to predictable. Unfortunately POTUS has trouble confronting our generals.

There has been an effort to deny POTUS and his team access to the intelligence they'd need to do their jobs. At least this has been verbally discussed and put into print. Already Jared Kushner is being denied access for what appears to be strictly partisain political reasons. As such, if a duly elected POTUS is being denied access to information he needs to properly do his job we should all be deeply concerned.

Jay Farquharson said...

Informed Comment notes that:

- Douma's controlled by the Army of Islam, and is the last "hold out" in East Guouta,
- the Army of Islam is rejecting "deconfliction", won't surrender and won't take the busses to Ildib,
- the Army of Islam won't relocate to Ildib, because Ildib is a "yoouge" al Nusra,( al Quida) stronghold, and they have a blood feud based on religion and sponsorship,
- the Army of Islam claims to be taking a serious toll on the SAA Special Forces,

So this attack was a "message".

Unknown said...

"I wonder at people treating victims of chemical warfare with bare hands and a garden hose."

- LG

Those are very good points.

Maybe those people were at the fringes of the affected areas and/or the rebels ran out of supplies. They are after all under siege. So it would be easy to run out of supplies.

Still the video is underwhelming.

It would be interesting to see other video and know when what video became available when.

At work anytime you get chemicals in your eyes you got to an eyewash station and all they have is water. Is that is all you have that us what you use.

The kids did not look particularly traumatized except that they were 'traumitized' because the adults were so upset.