Sunday, April 8, 2018

Was It Premature To Declare Victory Over ISIS In Syria?

Thomas Joscelyn, Long War Journal: Analysis: A premature declaration of victory in Syria?

The White House declared on Apr. 4 that the “military mission to eradicate ISIS in Syria is coming to a rapid end, with ISIS being almost completely destroyed.” While the United States is “committed to eliminating the small ISIS presence in Syria that our forces have not already eradicated,” the Trump administration already has an eye on “future plans,” which will rely heavily on other countries “to work toward peace and ensure that ISIS never reemerges.” Indeed, President Trump has vowed to withdraw the 2,000 or so American troops in Syria “very soon.”

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WNU Editor: The U.S. has been down this road before .... declaring victory over radical Islamists, but then finding them coming back a few years later. The sad fact is that a good part of the Sunni population supports ISIS, and see them as the only real alternative to defend them from Iranian supported supported militias and the Syrian Army. Throughout its history the Middle East has always been deeply divided along sectarian/tribal/and religious lines, and Syria is not an exception to the rule.


Unknown said...

ISIS will never be defeated until operatives can no longer infiltrate and there is a disaffected Sunni population to recruit from.

The Iraqis, Syrians and Iranians will solve this problem the old way. There will eliminate the populations over a decade or so and the Left will not say 'Boo" about it.

Anonymous said...

Aizino , "The Iraqis, Syrians and Iranians will solve this problem the old way. There will eliminate the populations over a decade or so and the Left will not say 'Boo" about it"
Talk about narrow vision , you meant to say Shia , as "Iraqi , Syrian and Iranian " can mean a lot of diverse group .
The sad fact that this is a prelude to what coming , you just has to wait when the major sunni countries (gulf , egypt , turkey ...etc) enter heavily in the game .
The iranian understand how they are in the minority which why they are involved in many countries in the arab world , and they are winning (for now ).
Both side are bent on genoside of the other , but i see no way for the iranian to win this .

Unknown said...

For sure, I do not know who will win.

I do expect the Shia to practice genocide. They already have.

Sometimes it is not 6 million people in 6 years.

Sometimes it is a village her and a village there every year or as the opportunities of the fog of war allow, but when you look at a map of ethnic boundaries over a few decades there is a definite shift and it was not due to birth rates.