Saturday, April 7, 2018

Terror Attack In The German City Of Muenster? 4 Dead, Scores Injured

Muenster is approximately 300 miles west of Berlin in the North Rhine-Westphalia region of Germany

Daily Mail: Three dead after minibus ploughs into diners outside restaurant leaving dozens injured before driver 'shoots himself' in front of shocked onlookers in German market town

* Minibus crashes into crowd in Germany reportedly leaving three dead
* German media reports that a vehicle ploughed into a crowded restaurant
* More than 30 are said to be injured, it is not known if the incident is terror related
* It has now emerged that following the crash the driver shot himself

A man has shot himself after ploughing a minibus into a crowd in Germany, reportedly leaving three dead and more than 30 injured.

Pictures have emerged appearing to show the aftermath of the crash in Muenster, a town 300 miles west of Berlin.

It is understood a vehicle ploughed into a crowded restaurant following the crash the driver shot himself.

Read more ....

More News On Today's "Incident" In The German City Of Muenster

The Latest: Police find suspicious object in Muenster van -- AP
Several dead after man drives van into restaurant in Germany: police -- Reuters
Vehicle crashes into German crowd, leaves 3 dead, 20 injured -- AP
Three dead in Germany as van ploughs into crowd in Muenster -- BBC
Four dead after vehicle drives into crowd in Münster, Germany -- The Guardian
Car drives into crowd in German city of Münster causing deaths and injuries -- DW
3 dead after delivery vehicle hits crowd in Germany city of Muenster, police say -- CNN
Several dead, around 30 estimated injured after vehicle plows into crowd in Germany (PHOTO, VIDEO) -- RT


Unknown said...

Although The Daily Mail is useful to combat the cartel, a.k.a. the MSM, of the U.S. has some dumb writers, editors, and policies.

Inductive thinking would lead one to believe that if one or both the following happens:
- "Minibus crashes into crowd in Germany reportedly leaving three dead"
- "It has now emerged that following the crash the driver shot himself"

It is terror related.

But no, they have to be all politically correct and multi-Cult and say:

" it is not known if the incident is terror related"

And they, The multi-Cults, will continue this process until every last one of us is killed and they will make no apologies.

Unknown said...

I think the British establishment cares more about their people.

Their crime scene technicians wear snappier suits. It shows that they care more and are go to people to get more CHOOSE ONE (results / process)!

The Brits would have already had a crime scene tent up and their technicians in Dupont Tyvek crime scene suits. So snappy looking!

Better yet the Brits would have more technicians, vans, tents, and Tyvek suits on standby to respond to the next terror incident. So snappy.

Theresa May could teach Herr Merkel something about caring, process and looking snappy!

Linked story has picture of a snappy CS tent.

fred said...

But what about Obama?

Unknown said...


You already know its Obama's fault in large part.

He R2P'd Libya with loving care, missile by missile, bomb by bomb.

Then the refugee flows started.

Anonymous said...

Aizino..that makes perfect sense. Some a** decides to mow over people having dinner, likely with children present. And it is Obama's fault. Thank you for explaining that to us. I dumb idi*t almost blamed the guy who shot himself. Phew. Almost missed out on the opportunity to blame a black guy..

Unknown said...


I am glad to help you out.

You seem positively fuzzy and befuddled about the causal chain.

1) Obama took out the Qaddaffi due to college professor's , Samantha Power, concept of R2P. Then he left a power vacuum that were filled with Very bad people, some not so bad people, and some that the jury is still out on.

2) Libya is considered all but a failed state.

2a) Before it was a ROGUE STATE, but it was not bothering the U.S. any more. That is is was not bothering the U.S. by designed between 2003 and 2011. Thank you President Bush.

2b) The OBUMBLE came along and turned a ROGUE STATE into a FAILED STATE.

3) After the fall of Qaddaffi we had huge refugee flows across the Mediterranean from Libyan ports.

4) Der Merkel steps in and says 'Come on DOWN!"

5) After Merkel lays out the welcome mat. People, who are on the losing side in Syria, figure if the North African can do it, we can do it. So they head over to Europe, too.

6) So now you have people getting killed, assaulted, mugged, and raped. They cannot go out onto the streets like they had been able to for 7 decades.

7) So this guy cooks off and you go "Look it is wight wing. It is wight wing . I did see a wight winger! I DID! I did!" It all fits your ideology. This guy was 'reactionary' in your parlance.

I'll stack up your this incident and others like it against what good Muslims are doing every day. When it is 7 or 8 to 1 or a magnitude greater you will look like what you should look like, but you won't care.