Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Explosion Of Knife Crimes In The U.K. Is Spurring Calls For Regulation

The Guardian: Home deliveries of knives bought online to be banned in UK

Buyers will have to collect in person and retailers must verify they are over 18, in one of series of anti-knife crime measures.

The delivery of knives bought online to private addresses is to be banned under a package of measures to tackle knife crime to be announced by the home secretary, Amber Rudd.

Knives bought online will in future have to be collected in person, with retailers responsible for checking that all buyers are 18 or older. New powers are also proposed for the police to seize banned weapons such as zombie knives, knuckledusters and throwing stars if they are found in someone’s home, and to arrest those involved.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Knives do not kill people. People kill people.


Chase jones said...

ban all sarp objects if you oppose you are for stabbed children ahhhh lol. we need a cure for this terible liberal brain degeneration disease

fred said...

Snippiness is not an answer to an on-going having demonstrated your cleverness, any real suggestions for a real problem?

Chase jones said...

its defiantly not to disarm every one that is the dumbest of the dumb and armed public is a safe public

Anonymous said...

then why not arm all with guns, concealed carry? A grandmother of say, 75, with a bread knife can take out an 18 year old with 6 inch switch blade

Unknown said...

Snippiness is a great answer.

It gets things done.

Eventually, one side, hopefully the bad side loses and their idiot policies are rendered to the ash heap of history.

We have the liberal policy of sequentially banning objects to shape behaviours or desires to one day hopefully get to utopia.

They (liberals) ban objects, but say ideology goes and all are equally valid, because we are all multi-KULTural. That is unless that ideology is classically Western.

It needs to get so bad to where Obama, Hillary, others are laughed off the stage, give up, take their ill -gotten lucre, AND RETIRE TO THE BEACH.