Saturday, April 7, 2018

Why Is The U.S. Spending Millions On Building A Power Grid In Afghanistan (That Does Not Work) When Puerto Rico's Grid Is Still Heavily Damaged From Hurricane Maria

© Omar Sobhani / Reuters

Defense News: US spent $60 million on Afghan energy project that doesn’t work, watchdog says

WASHINGTON ― U.S.-led power grid improvements meant to provide electricity to Afghan towns are not operational due to mismanagement by the Army Corps of Engineers, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction reported Wednesday.

The North East Power System project heaped failure on failure, potentially wasting the project’s $60 million price tag, according to SIGAR. USACE failed to secure the rights to the land where the power lines were to be built, which led the Afghan contractor to build haphazardly around Afghan homes. USACE also failed to include a contract provision to permanently connect some improvements to a power-source.

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WNU Editor: The Inspector General's report is here.

More News On The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Power Grid Project For Afghanistan

Report: Army Corps of Engineers mismanaged $60 million Afghan power project -- Stars and Stripes
U.S. Lost $60 Million on Afghan Power Project That Doesn't Work -- Newsweek
The Pentagon Spent $60 Million on a Power Station in Afghanistan that Doesn’t Work -- Motherboard
Blackout: US military spent $60 million on Afghanistan power lines to nowhere -- RT

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Puerto Rican power Grid is under Democrat Party Management.

Puerto Ricans have had enough and want to privatize it.