Monday, April 9, 2018

This Is How The Situation In Syria Can Result In A War Between Russia And The West

Dave Mujumdar, National Interest: Here Is How Russia and America Could Go to War in Syria

The Trump administration will be making a decision on how to respond to an alleged chemical weapons attack in the Syria town of Douma within the next forty-eight hours.

President Donald Trump said that the United States is currently examining the evidence and that military force remains an option. Trump promised a response even if his administration decides that Russia is responsible.

Asked if Russia bears responsibility, Trump said that the Kremlin might be culpable. “He [Russian President Vladimir Putin] may. Yeah, he may. And if he does, it’s going to be very tough. Very tough,” Trump said during a meeting of his cabinet on April 9. “Everybody is going to pay a price. He will. Everybody will.”

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WNU Editor: The scary thing about this reading this post is the realization that it can happen.


Anonymous said...

West and russia hae been itching for a fight since the end of WW2. Now they have a chance to go for it.-my family is in Texas and im so worried

Stephen Davenport said...

Let the Russian fear-mongering Russian military (Wagner) is not that good, the February butt kicking is proof of that.