Friday, May 4, 2018

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- May 4, 2018

China's movement of missiles to Subi Reef, in the Spratly Islands, has angered other nations. (Reuters: Francis Malasig)

Anne Barker, ABC News Online: China's missiles in the South China Sea puts the United States and Australia in a difficult position

China's deployment of missiles to the disputed Spratly Islands shows Beijing is serious about exerting long-term domination and control over the South China Sea, and has no intention of keeping its promise not to militarise the contested area.

The placement of anti-ship missiles and surface-to-air missiles — if confirmed — will further ratchet up tensions over the South China Sea, particularly with those nations that have long laid claim to the Spratly Islands, including Taiwan and Vietnam.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- May 4, 2018

Major sticking points remain after US-China trade talks -- Gordon Watts, Asia Times

Taiwan cautiously flexes its muscle -- Jackson Diehl, Post and Courier/Washington Post

What Is Kim up To? -- Ron Huisken, The Strategist

What Role for U.S. Military in South Korea in a Peninsula at Peace? -- Sofia Lotto Persio, Newsweek

Should US troops stay? South Koreans ask themselves -- Yosuke Onchi, Nikkei Asian Review

The Iran Deal Is Strategically and Morally Absurd -- Reuel Marc Gerecht, The Atlantic

Complex choices await world if Trump exits Iran nuclear deal -- Josh Lederman and Matthew Lee, AP

As Trump mulls the Iran deal’s fate, a three-ring circus ensues -- Suzanne Maloney, Brookings

Trump's political theater on Iran -- Peter Van Buren, Reuters

Trump Is Setting America on an Unpredictable Course in the Middle East -- Philip Gordon, The Atlantic

Popular Putin prepares for Cold War 2.0 -- Pepe Escobar, Asia Times

In Nicaragua, deadly protest crackdown spurs Ortega critics -- Christopher Sherman, AP

Trump and Mueller Are Headed for a Major Showdown -- W. James Antle III, National Interest

Are We Really Ready for a Cyberattack? -- Max Brooks, Bloomberg

Why is America still stuck with token missile defense? -- Angelo M Codevilla, Asia Times

Global Debt: The Next Great Financial Crisis? -- Scott B. MacDonald, National Interest

1 comment:

jac said...

South China Sea: we have to push action to see where China is ready to go. This will also give China an idea of what is possible and what is not.