Friday, May 11, 2018

Europe Moves To Protect Billions In Trade With Iran

Reuters: Europe moves to safeguard interests in Iran after U.S. pullout

BERLIN/PARIS (Reuters) - Europe’s largest economies lobbied to protect their companies’ investments in Iran on Friday, seeking to keep the nuclear deal with Tehran alive after Washington pulled out and threatened to impose sanctions on European companies.

Germany and France have significant trade links with Iran and remain committed to the nuclear agreement, as does Britain, and the three countries’ foreign ministers plan to meet on Tuesday to discuss it.

That is part of a flurry of diplomatic activity following Tuesday’s unilateral withdrawal from what U.S. President Donald Trump called “a horrible, one-sided deal”, a move accompanied by the threat of penalties against any foreign firms doing business in Iran.

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WNU Editor: It is always abut the money. There will be an EU meeting with the Iranian foreign minister on Tuesday .... Iran minister to meet Europeans in Brussels on Tuesday: EU (Gulf Times/AFP). More here .... EU foreign policy chief calls Iran meeting with Britain, France, Germany (Politico).

More News On Europe Efforts To Protect Its Economic Interests With Iran

Iran nuclear deal: The EU's billion-dollar deals at risk -- BBC
European Officials Look to Blunt Impact of Renewed US Sanctions on Iran -- Wall Street Journal
US faces European backlash against Iran sanctions. -- The Guardian
German, French, UK foreign ministers to meet over Iran deal: EU. -- DW
Iran nuclear deal: France condemns US move to re-impose sanctions. -- BBC
Germany seeks Russian support after Donald Trump's Iran decision. -- DW
Europe is threatening to fight Trump on Iran sanctions -- VOX


Unknown said...

So pulling a Neville Chamberlain is not just an English disease.

The French and Germans leaders can play too.

Anonymous said...

This insult to Europe by Trump will have fun and interesting consequences. I bet Obama and his alcolytes are burning up the wires chit chatting about how they hate Trump. This is a point in time for America to rearrange its vital alliances. Does Europe realize the peril it’s in? Trumps America doesn’t respect Germany, Britain and the strong Left running things in Europe.

jac said...

The European's don't realize the difference between politic and business. When a European company is selling its products all around the world, it doesn't jeopardize its full business for only the one with Iran.

Antitroll said...

It's time for Europe to split from trumpistan

fred said...

Those nations you insult are those that signed the treaty. That Trump has dumped that treaty does NOT mean that those who still comit top the treaty are bad; they carry on what was signed for. That the US no longer agrees to the treaty does not mean that others must perforce join big bad America

Unknown said...


It always amazes me that you have a PhD in English. Your reading comprehension is terrible.

I wrote "weak and stupid leaders". My comments were restricted to the leaders and not the nations. I actually have relatives in two of those nations.

If instead I could not call a leader weak or stupid what would I suggest I use? Use the words "not optimal", or subpar? That would make you happy for 5.5 x E-6 yoctoseconds after which point you would complain about the use of the phrases subpar and 'not optimal' as being ad hominem attacks.

Obama's fabulous non-verifiable Iran Deal was put up for a vote and never got more than 58 votes. It needed 67 votes to pass. You do realize that 58 is less than 67 don't you
(58 < 67)?
Your reading comprehension is low, but there is worse news. English majors are not required to be proficient in arithmetic at any grade level.

There is no Iran Deal between the U.S. and other nations. There is just Obama's John Henry. PERIOD! FULL STOP!

Just because BIG, BAD Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut voted for the deal does not mean that he spoke for the people of other states and their senators!

fred said...

Leaders are elected to speak for their nations

"This impulse to destroy is not leading us anywhere good."
—Federica Mogherini,
EU's top diplomat

"We are determined to keep this deal in place," declared Federica Mogherini, an Italian politician who serves as High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

fred said...

If the Iran deal had been a Senate-confirmed treaty, would Trump have been forced to stay in? Nope.

Unknown said...


You and Mogherini have something in common. You both used an aphorism in the wrong context.

"This impulse to destroy is not leading us anywhere good."
—Federica Mogherini (EU's top diplomat)

Mogherini is the top EU diplomat? Bill Clinton was to the top guy in the U.S. in the 1990s and here he is visiting orgy island on several occasions. Does the 'top' anything mean we have to bow down and their pronouncement on anything is unquestionable?

Neville Chamberlain engaged in diplomacy. He did not want to destroy.

"This impulse to destroy is not leading us anywhere good." - Neville Chamberlain
"Peash, Peash in our time!" - Neville

Unknown said...

"Leaders are elected to speak for their nations"

So they say.

58% of voters voted in the 2016 election/ 1./2 of the Republican and 1/2 Democrat. That means the president was elected by about 25% of the eligible voters.

In Europe they do not always have election on regular schedules. A leader can call a snap election to reaffirm a mandate when they think the wind is blowing their way. Theresa May badly calculated and Herr Merkel did somewhat better. She started using weasel words to fool voters.

What is that saying?

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln

That is what Herr Merkel did in this latest go around. I consider her illegitimate. She lied to the voters about her immigration policies. If that _____ opens her mouth, it is to lie.

Unknown said...

"If the Iran deal had been a Senate-confirmed treaty, would Trump have been forced to stay in? Nope." - Freddie

So you make my point.

If the deal had the force of treaty, then what Trump is doing would be legal.

If the deal is not treaty (like it actually is), the what Trump is doing is legal.

So Freddie has established that what Trump is doing is legal.

But Freddie is still upset.

Unknown said...

Like I said. Merkel is weak& stupid.

"GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned immigrants to “integrate or face consequences” in a last desperate bid to gain support for her crisis-stricken coalition as she attempts to cling to power."

"Misguided tolerance is as dangerous to our cohesion as populist incitement against anything foreign" - Angela Merkel

So Merkel calls Germans cowards much in the same manner Holder called American cowards. In that one sentence Merkel uses weasel words to say she feels German's pain while also castigating them. That makes Merkel a special kind of venal