Thursday, May 10, 2018

Sen. John McCain Will Reject Gina Haspel's Nomination To Become CIA Director

Washington Examiner: John McCain calls on Senate to reject CIA nominee Gina Haspel

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., called on the Senate to reject Gina Haspel's nomination to become CIA director Wednesday, charging that she was unable to address concerns with her role in the use of enhanced interrogation techniques during the Bush administration.

"Today, Gina Haspel testified before the Senate and to the country about her qualifications to lead the CIA. This occasion provided an opportunity to provide details about her experience in the CIA, explain her involvement in the so-called enhanced interrogation program during the Bush Administration, and account for the mistakes the country made in torturing detainees held in U.S. custody after the September 11th attacks," McCain said in a statement, referring to Haspel's confirmation hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee. "Unfortunately, the testimony the American people heard from Ms. Haspel today failed to address these concerns."

Read more ....

Update: McCain's rejection of Haspel weighing on senators (CNN)

WNU Editor: CIA nominee Gina Haspel's former boss/superior was John Brennan .... and when his nomination for CIA Director was sent to the US Senate for a vote .... Senator John McCain approved it. Now .... with a similar CV .... Senator John McCain is saying no to President Trump's nominee. This is all personal between Senator McCain and President Trump.


RussInSoCal said...

Detestable and degenerate. John McCain will die a hateful and bitter old man.

Anonymous said...

The Keating Five.
McCain started to draw down his honorable service credits a few decades ago and now at deaths door he has the anger and bitterness his Vietnamese captors dumped on him.

Anonymous said...

Poor John McCain. Dying seem very difficult for him. He seems to be lashing out at everything Trump, rather than everything Democrat. He seems more a Democrat than a Republican. May his suffering end soon.

fred said...

I have seldom liked McCain's political positions but the hate heaped upon a dying man who served his nation honorably is disgusting. He did not claim a bone spur.

RussInSoCal said...

Fred, there's no more hate here for McCain than he himself is "heaping" upon his perceived political enemies. Who in many cases are his former friends and colleagues.

And his honorable military service doesn't absolve him from being a backstabbing RINO disgrace in public life.

Unknown said...

The despicable, bottom feeding slugs that are in this administration are truely reaching new depths of disgust. I can only hope that soon there will be those in the Republican party who will grow a backbone, put country ahead of party and do the right thing. Perhaps then they can regain a small shred of respectability.

Anonymous said...

- 2 or 3 airplane crashes
- Left wife because she was lame from an accident
- Trade her in for younger wealthier wife
- Keating 5
- 2007 Immigration/Amnesty Plan (But not wall) i.e. no quid pro quo just a big FU.

I can see why a bottom feeding slugs like McCain.

fred said...

girly boy gossip may get divorced (how many times Trump[?)but you do not trade in an trade baseball cards or cars
Keating 5 so what? must he conform

Now hero man: see what he was like and see how you measure up

Unknown said...

Fred (The girlie boy who spends an inordinate amount of time looking up picture on the internet)

"McCain did lose two Navy aircraft while piloting them. One crash was found to be be McCain's fault, the other due to an engine failure of undetermined cause."

Can you say my Daddy is an admiral?

"A fifth alleged "crash" turns out to be a misinterpretation of a flight accident that did not result in the loss of the aircraft. McCain admitted to causing that incident through "daredevil clowning" but returned safely."

What can daredevil clowning do?

"Flying low over the Iberian Peninsula, he took out some power lines, which led to a spate of newspaper stories in which he was predictably identified as the son of an admiral."

"Those killed, 19 passengers and one operator, were all Europeans: eight Germans, five Belgians, three Italians, two Poles, one Austrian and one Dutch"

Cavalese cable car disaster (1998)

Unknown said...

"So you, McCain, leak to reporters about who did Keating's bidding in pressuring federal regulators to change the rules for Lincoln Savings and Loan.

When the reporters fail to print your tips quickly enough--as in the case of your tip on Michigan Senator Donald Riegle--you call them back and remind them how important it is to get that information in the newspapers."

Unknown said...

"McCain was reunited with his family when he returned to the United States. His wife Carol had suffered her own crippling ordeal due to an automobile accident in December 1969.

McCain served as the Navy's liaison to the U.S. Senate beginning in 1977. In retrospect, he has said that this represented his "real entry into the world of politics and the beginning of my second career as a public servant."[59] His key behind-the-scenes role gained congressional financing for a new supercarrier against the wishes of the Carter administration.

In April 1979, McCain met Cindy Lou Hensley, a teacher from Phoenix, Arizona, whose father had founded a large beer distributorship. They began dating, and he urged his wife Carol to grant him a divorce, which she did in February 1980; the uncontested divorce took effect in April 1980."

John gets someone younger and someone whose daddy can fund his political campaign.

Slick John, very slick!

McCain left a cripple.

At least Trump set his ex-wife up for a life of luxury.,_liaison_to_Senate,_and_second_marriage