Friday, May 4, 2018

South Korean President Moon And President Trump To Discuss North Korea At May 22 Summit In Washington DC

President Trump with President Moon Jae-in of South Korea at the White House. Credit Pete Marovich for The New York Times

Bloomberg: Trump to Meet Moon May 22 Ahead of Planned North Korea Summit

South Korean President Moon Jae-In plans to travel to Washington May 22 in advance of a historic planned summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, the White House said Friday.

Trump and his national security team will welcome Moon to the White House as they prepare for a meeting with Kim that could happen in a matter of weeks. Trump told reporters Friday that a time and location had already been set for the summit, but didn’t elaborate.

Moon has played a central role in calming tensions on the Korean peninsula, holding several historic meetings with representatives of the Kim regime and pushing for a peace deal with North Korea to officially end the Korean War.

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Update #1: Moon, Trump to discuss NK at May 22 summit -- Korea Herald
Update #2: Donald Trump, South Korea's Moon Jae In to meet at White House on May 22 -- AFP

WNU Editor: I suspect that a lot has already been agreed upon (between South and North Korea), and this summit will be more of a briefing on what needs to be done next.

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