Thursday, May 10, 2018

White House Examining Options To Assist Iranians Who Want Regime Change

President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting at the White House in Washington, July 31, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Washington Examiner: White House Examining Plan to Help Iranian People Oppose Regime

White paper pushes bid to help Iranians topple already weak hardline regime

The Trump administration is examining a new plan to help Iranians fighting the hardline regime in Iran following America's exit from the landmark nuclear deal and reimposition of harsh economic sanctions that could topple a regime already beset by protests and a crashing economy, according to a copy of the plan obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The three-page white paper being circulated among National Security Council officials in the White House offers a strategy by which the Trump administration can actively work to assist an already aggravated Iranian public topple the hardline ruling regime through a democratization strategy that focuses on driving a deeper wedge between the Iranian people and the ruling regime.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: My advice .... do the same thing that President Reagan did to the people who opposed the Communist regimes in eastern Europe. Give moral support to the dissidents. Always put the media spotlight on what the regime is doing. And be consistent in your message. In the end .... it will be the Iranian people who will make the changes that are necessary .... just as it was in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union almost 30 years ago.


Anonymous said...

Where is the CIA when we need them?

Anonymous said...

Sage reporting for the Examiner and Free Beacon. Two professional, level-headed journalism sources. Said nobody. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Free Beacon or The Examiner is much better than Time or Newsweak.

Anonymous said...

This is public.

In 2009 Obama did nothing. No moral support. Nothing!

Young Communist said...

WNU editor, you made it too simple. Iran is not only a political regime. Iran is also Persia, an ancient culture. Pushing times can end in the opposite.

Bob Huntley said...

"it will be the Iranian people who will make the changes that are necessary" perhaps history will repeat itself and the people will elect someone to run their country and then Britain and the CIA will get involved and then ..... Yada yada.

Unknown said...

Mosidegh nationalized (i.e stole) large companies after a fraudulent election.

Bob Huntley said...

Smith, BS.

Unknown said...


1) So the Mosadegh government did not nationalize Anglo-Iranian oil company?

2) So Mosadegh did not stop counting votes from large swaths of the couyntry. Gee, maybe we could do this in the U.S. We just stop counting votes from the left and right coasts. Repiublicans would win every time. I think we are on to something. Mosadegh was a genius.