Friday, May 11, 2018

Why Singapore For The Kim - Trump Summit?

Reuters: Trump, Kim summit in Singapore presents logistical challenges for North Korea

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s trip to Singapore for talks with U.S. President Donald Trump poses logistical challenges that are likely to include using Soviet-era aircraft to carry him and his limousine, as well as dozens of security and other support staff.

The choice of Singapore as the site of the first-ever meeting of a sitting U.S. president and a North Korean leader was as much because it was within reasonable flight time and distance from Pyongyang as because of the island state’s political neutrality, a South Korean presidential official told reporters.

Since becoming North Korea’s leader in 2011, Kim has only taken one known overseas trip by air – and that was earlier this week to Dalian in China to hold talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping. He flew in his personal Ilyushin-62M jet accompanied by a cargo plane that people with knowledge of North Korean affairs say is believed to have carried his limousine.

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More News On Why Singapore Was Chosen To Host The Kim - Trump Summit

6 things to know about Singapore before Trump and Kim Jong-un meet there -- Yahoo Finance
Neutral and stable, Singapore is natural choice for Trump-Kim -- AFP
Singapore is an apropos host for the Trump-Kim meeting -- Joseph Bosco, The Hill
Why North Korea's Kim Jong-un feels comfortable with Singapore -- Karishma Vaswani, BBC


kidd said...

So he will he arested of merder

RussInSoCal said...

/I'm sure Singapore is thrilled with the prospect of having hundreds of Nork spooks running around their city-state. Not to mention the general crush of the security apparatus that goes with these kinds of meetings.

And isn't Kim terrified of flying?

Anonymous said...

US to help N Korea's economy if it abandons nuclear weapons

this in some quarters is called bribing to get what you want...ok for deficit hawks to pick up the bill for another nation while ours has no infrastructure plan in place and deficit huge under the new tax plan?
ok with offshore if you can...why spend your money for this

Unknown said...


I think this is a big f*cking deal as Joe Biden would say.

Previously North Korean leaders have only ever traveled to Russia or China while in power and you can count those trips on one hand I think.

As Americans I would not like security in China or Russia due to those countries spying. I think Japan would have been good, but maybe WW2 gets in the way of it. The Phillipines is too dangerous. If the venue were Vietnam, the Phillipines, or Malaysia, China would object, because it is still busy being the bully boy in the South China Sea.

Taiwan would really infuriate the Chinese oligarchs and Princes.

I think Singapore is an excellent choice and will help to get Kim Jong Un out of his shell. Jong Un grew up in a mafia family.

I hope none of the North Koreans defect, because I think their country may get better now. The families of defectors are thrown into death camps. I think just walking around Singapore will have an erosive effect.

Maybe after we get the nuke deal followed by verification, maybe we get the death camps closed soon.

RussInSoCal said...

Perhaps its a negotiation tactic. The optics would look bad if Trump were the one who traveled thousands of miles to meet at the DMZ huts while Kim simply took a leisurely train ride.

Maybe its to establish predominance as to who holds the stronger hand AND to inconvenience and rattle Kim.

Kim also recently sanctioned his own brother's murder (who did maintain a residence in Singapore) in a town no further away than Los Angeles to Las Vegas; Sepang, Malaysia. /I'd sure feel jumpy if I were him.



Unknown said...


You bring up some good points that I had not considered, which I greatly appreciate.

I knew that his brother was murdered in Singapore. His brother did not seem to want the throne. Of course that might be an act so as to not get assassinated or it might have been a real desire. Regardless of what his brother wanted or intended, a faction in North Korea might have backed him. They could reason that they are keeping the line intact, but they have a puppet ruler. So maybe Kim Jong Un had him assassinated because of political faction maneuvering or just paranoia. Certainly there is historical precedent.

I like the idea of the DMZ village being used, but I fear that there might be on off chance that the North Koreans might rush the village and overpower all those there. It might be 1` in a 1,000 or 1 in a million chance of that happening, but it had crossed my mind.

I think Singapore is fairly neutral. Germany or France might have been better, but what of the chances we would get Kim to go that far?

A lot of the trip will be over "China Friendly/Controlled airspace."

Australia might have been good.

Any Pacific island nation would be within the U.S. sphere of military control and probably a no go.

Again, I like your 3 points.

B.Poster said...

Russ and Aizino,

My first thought was the DMZ. I hadn't thought about these things. This is why I read the aritices, the editor comments, and the comments in the threads. One can learn much.:-)

POTUS has shown hinself to be very clever. I suspect he may be thinking this way. The question then becomes how did he get China to go along. After all China could have very easily nixed this and said the meeting has to be in the DMZ, China, or anywhere else they wanted. Essentially I see huge upside potential and no diwnside risks for America in this location. In contrast, there's no upside potential that I see for North Korea here along with huge downside risks. POTUS is indeed extremely clever!!

This is indeed huge!! With that said perhaps we it would be prudent to ask "is this real?" It does almost seem to good to be true. With that said I did notice that coinciding with the US withdrawal from the JPOCA the positive developments in the NK/SK situation had an uptick. I suspect if NK had hope that the US would agree to another crap sandwich those hopes were dashed.