Wednesday, June 6, 2018

According To President Donald Trump’s Lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, Kim Jong Un Begged For A Summit ‘On His Hands And Knees’

With the summit plans back in place the U.S. has the upper hand, Rudy Giuliani said at an investment conference in Israel. Photo: Joshua Roberts/Reuters

Wall Street Journal: Kim Jong Un Begged for Summit ‘on His Hands and Knees,’ Giuliani Says

With the summit plans back in place, the U.S. has the upper hand, President Trump’s lawyer said.

TEL AVIV—President Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said North Korean leader Kim Jong Un got “on his hands and knees and begged” for their summit to be held after Mr. Trump canceled it last month.

Mr. Giuliani counseled a similar approach to Trump administration negotiations with Palestinian officials in a future Middle East peace process.

Speaking at an investment conference in Israel hosted by the “Globes” newspaper, Mr. Giuliani said Mr. Trump canceled the summit last month because senior North Korean officials insulted top Trump administration officials.

“They also said they were going to go to nuclear war with us, they were going to defeat us in a nuclear war,” Mr. Giuliani said. “We said we’re not going to have a summit under those circumstances.”

After Mr. Trump canceled the meeting, Mr. Giuliani said: “Well, Kim Jong Un got back on his hands and knees and begged for it, which is exactly the position you want to put him in.”

A man who answered the phone at North Korea’s United Nations office said no one was available to comment.

With the summit plans back in place the U.S. has the upper hand, Mr. Giuliani said.

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WNU Editor: Kim Jong Un begged for a summit "on his hands and knees". Someone should tell Mr. Giuliani that days before a big summit you must keep your ego at the door and your mouth shut.


Mike Feldhake said...

No Sh.t!!!!! this will F things up now.

Roger Smith said...

To me, this behavior is what the internet hath wrought; 15 minutes of fame for anyone and anything. I propose a steep carbon and CO2 levy. Of course, I will be the final determinant of who bears the cost of this airwave pollution.

Of course.


B.Poster said...

Such a statement is patently ridiculous. Men of the stature of Kim Jong Un are not going to get on their knees before any POTUS. Is Mr. Giuliani drunk, high on drugs, or both?!!?

There's no upside in making such a statement along with huge downside risks in making such a statement. The United States MUST have peace. If these talks fail, there are a couple of "fall back" options as I see it. 1.)South Korea develops its own domestic nuclear weapons program with its own domestic built weapons. If necessary, the US can assist here, however, SK is very technologically advanced, at least as advanced as America is. As such, they should be able to do this on their own. This would enable them to counter NK and it would take some of the pressure off of the US military allowing us to, in time, redeploy. 2.)Cut South Korea loose entirely. Once freed of that yoke it will then become much easier to negotiate with NK. From there we negotiate a separate end to our involvement with them ending our involvement in this conflict.

By making such a reckless and obviously false statement, this has made negotiations much harder. As a former coach of mine would say, this was an "unforced error." The talks will still go forward. From America's perspective, we must have peace. As such, we have little choice.

fred said...

Rudy is as bonkers as Trump

Incognito_Arizona said...

Michael Feldhake said... No Sh.t!!!!! this will F things up now.

I wonder if that was the plan all along. Giuliani is more loyal to the GOPe than Trump.
PDJT has already been knifed in the back by several Deep State plants.

Anonymous said...

And you people wonder why the world hates you

fred said...

1. Rudy is a liar
2. Rudy is a moron to even make that statement to embarass a state and its ruler whom you plan to negotiate with.
3. called losing face, Rudy, much as you have lost mind