Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Anthony Kennedy Retiring From The U.S. Supreme Court

WNU Editor: He is one of the liberals/swing votes on the court. Here is an easy prediction .... the news coverage on this story is going to be super intense in the U.S. this summer. Another prediction .... President Trump will name a replacement, a Neil Gorsuch clone or equivalent, and the opposition to this replacement will be the most intense that we have seen in years. Expect more on this breaking story later.

Update: The only thing that I do not know is when will Justice Kennedy retire. This year .... or next year? On a side note .... I am sure my progressive friends are hoping that the Mueller investigation will have something before this comes to a vote. But the Mueller Counsel better move fast, because these confirmation hearings can happen very quickly.

Update #2: Justice Kennedy will be retiring on July 31.


B.Poster said...

In the current political environment, getting someone like Gorsuch confirmed will be extremely difficult. I think Justice Kennedy is aware of this fact and probably does not want someone like Gorsuch on the court. As such, he is announcing his retirement now because he believes, correctly in my considered opinion, that Trump's position is going to be even better after the mid terms meaning that opposition to a Gorsuch like person is going to be even more difficult.

Stephen Davenport said...

It will not be hard, remember the Senate changed the rules for SCOTUS picks, all they need is a 51-49 vote or 50-50 with Pence.

Matthew Putnam said...

Great! I hated it when a decision by Justice Kennedy was mostly determined by if he did or did not have a bowl movement that morning. Guy was long expired.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you need a bowel movement potty mouth

B.Poster said...

SD: I would expect such a nominee to be attacked and attacked hard. This means all they have to do is keep the democrats unified and pick off a few republicans to block the nominee.

After the mid terms I predict there will be more republicans in office who hold positions more in line with those of POTUS. At that time, opposition to Trump's nominees is going to be much more difficult than it is now.

I believe this is why Justice Kennedy made his announcement now rather than wait until after the mid terms. He doesn't want a Gorsuch type person on the Supreme Court and he has calculated that by retiring now it is going to be harder to get such a person confirmed than it will be later. I think he is correct.

I do not "know" what we will happen. We can evaluate the evidence, carefully study it, and try and make inferences based upon this. Using similar analysis I predicted both the election of Trump and BREXIT. The pundits turned out to be wrong on both whereas I was correct. We will know after the mid terms whether or not I am correct.

As for Justice Kennedy, I do not "know" what he is thinking. We can analyze his past actions and decisions and make reasonable inferences. Based upon this he very likely does NOT want another Gorsuch on the Supreme Court. He would probably prefer someone more like himself or even someone more "liberal" than he is but another justice with like minded views to Gorsuch is probably about the last thing he would want.

If the predictions of a "blue wave" during the mid terms as advanced by the punditry are correct and this is what he believed, it seems as though he would wait until after the mid terms to announce his retirement when it would be impossible to get a Gorsuch like person confirmed. He's announcing now because he suspects that blocking a Gorsuch like candidate will be even more difficult after the mid terms. At least this is my "take."

RussInSoCal said...

Batten down the hatches! Class five sh*tstorm inbound!

Anonymous said...

"Batten down the hatches! Class five sh*tstorm inbound!"

No doubt, should make for interesting family gatherings this summer...hope no one instigates:)

Anonymous said...

Trump evidently thinks after Kennedy he'll get two more Supremes to appoint. "Wise(clueless) Latina" is badly diabetic and the elderly female is frail and weighs next to nothing.