Wednesday, June 27, 2018

U.S. Defence Secretary Jim Mattis Visits China

Reuters: U.S. defense chief says his talks in China have been very good

BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday that his talks in China have been “very, very” good.

“I am happy to be in China and we are assigning the same high degree of importance to the military to military relationship, as you just noted,” Mattis said.

“This is an important time in (the) history of China and the United States, as we work our relationship forward and I’ve had very, very good discussions this morning as well as a very high degree of courtesy shown to me by your military.”

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WNU Editor: U.S. Defence Secretary Jim Mattis is focused on military issues, but I know in China the big concern is over U.S. trade and tariffs.

More News On U.S. Defence Secretary Jim Mattis Visiting China

Mattis positive on China talks set to discuss North Korea -- FOX News/AP
China says U.S. and China militaries should control risks -- Reuters
Mattis takes aim at China military expansionism -- Financial Times
US defense chief in China amid rising tensions -- Arab News/Reuters

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