Saturday, June 9, 2018

Canada Issues Warning To Immigrants In The U.S. To Not Come To Canada

Asylum seekers raise their hands as they approach RCMP officers while crossing the Canadian border in Quebec near Champlain, N.Y., on Friday. The number of migrants entering Canada here has risen sharply in recent weeks. (Ryan Remiorz/Canadian Press)

USA Today: Canada warns immigrants in U.S. about heading north of the border

MIAMI — As President Trump travels north to Canada to attend the G7 summit, Canadian officials have been heading south to try to stem a wave of undocumented immigrants headed their way.

In what has become an increasingly regular mission, Canadian representatives visited the U.S this week to warn immigrants fearful over President Trump's immigration crackdown that they can't simply rush north of the border to find safe haven.

Randy Boissonnault, a liberal member of Parliament and a special advisor to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, visited South Florida this week to try to educate would-be immigrants about the limitations of the Canadian immigration system.

In the past year, Canada has seen bursts of U.S.-based immigrants crossing illegally into Canada, mostly into the Quebec province that borders New York and other northeastern U.S. states.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Canada's open door immigration policy .... and it is an open door policy contrary to what the Canadian government is saying .... is now impacting communities that are receiving these migrants. I know where I live (island of Montreal), rents have sky-rocketed in the past two years (you have to put these migrants somewhere), social and medical services are now being swamped (what took me less than an hour to get a blood test at my local hospital now takes 3 to 4 hours), and the school system is now in chaos because many of these children cannot speak French or English. Not surprising ..... there is a growing blow-back to this crisis. The mayor of Montreal was proud to make Montreal a sanctuary city 3 years ago .... and lost re-election last year when everyone thought he was a shoe-in. In the neighboring province of Ontario a political party ran on a platform to make Ontario a sanctuary province .... and were defeated in this week's election. And then there is the province that I live in. The ruling party and its Liberal leader have been a strong advocate for migrants to come to the province .... thinking that it is a winning issue for them. It is not working as expected. This province goes to the polls later this year, and the ruling party are now polling in the low 20s. They will be lucky if they can come in second. And then there is Prime Minister Trudeau who I am sure must know that this policy is not polling well for them .... hence the parade of Canadian politicians rushing to the U.S. to make the plea to migrants not to come. My prediction .... they are coming anyway. And if Prime Minister Trudeau gets defeated in the polls next year when we have our general election .... it will be because of high energy costs, a lack of interest in helping tax payers, and the consequence (both economically and culturally) of having a policy to bring in massive numbers of immigrants.


Anonymous said...

I believe his conduct at the G-7 was to boast his failing polls. You guys don’t like Trump so bashing him can’t hurt.
Macron figures the same thing.
Bad calculation I think because Trump has by far the stronger hand. Deals get worse the longer this goes on.

jac said...

Strange....when D.J.Trump is telling the same thing he is a bad guy.

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Anonymous said...

Jerry Brown tells Mexico please keep sending people our way, if they can survive the Hunger Games then we will provide them immunity.

Anonymous said...

Without high quality immigration into the USA it could not fill a fraction of engineering and high tech jobs. Americans become less educated each year producing lots of business majors, butter balls, right wing patriots without skills, entrepeneurs, and wall street types and not many people to do high end productive work like the Chinese. Maybe we can launch derivatives or MBA memos to stop hypersonic missiles.

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Mike Feldhake said...

We're not talking about the right policy. We should be talking about Colonization 2.0 at this point. I would say overall affects not this was positive if you look at what the english did.

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Anonymous said...

I'm not sold on the agricultural versus pastoral line conflated with English colonization and enclosure of the Isles. Let alone the Anglo/American settlement of the Continent - at least not as the end point in terms of causation.

The enclosures and settlement had more to due with surplus private accumulation than mere competition over resources needed for survival or population growth.

And while Scots may not cared for and whipped the English, the Irish did not fare so well - and the Scots didn't mind taking advantage.

Aside from that,

illegal immigration with it's attendant "cottage industries" definitely needs to be arrested. We can then get on to dealing with domestic gangs, rapists and other criminals from top to bottom. We an also reign in some of the "X,Y,Z government needs to go" policies in Latin America e.g. Honduras.

The Liberal vote depends how many asylum seekers can be packed into key districts. Those who roll up know who let them in. They generally return the favor at the polls. It's an old Liberal trick from way back.

Conservatives don't care as long as those who show up have money and the right class creds. Either way it's a shit-show.

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Anonymous said...

"It is Scotch Irish. While they might mix in the old country, they did in the new"

I'm well aware of the Scots Irish - thank you. I am also very aware of their settlement in Ireland and in the U.S.

You are sensitive; With your noblesse oblige marriage to a minority "credentials".

We also know the Cherokee kept slaves. To this day, they play the segregation game. They had great teachers. I wonder, would there have been black slaves to keep if you had not provided them?

Funny, you don't mention how the Seneca got on with the negroes. Perhaps (oh most assuredly so) their combination was quite offensive to your Puritan -or perhaps you dig for plates??--sensibilities. But then, that bit of history does not fit the ideological totalitarianism you practice on this site day in and day out.

You are at it again with your projection, obscurantist rantings and feeble diversions. The troll on here is you. You watch these posts like a buzzard making sure all posts have the requisite MAGA "creds". You are vicious right wing nationalist/nativist with a "sttt" view of history and a worse vision for the future.

I would not doubt if you married as you did as a savings plan.

History does not belong to you. Nor does its interpretation.

BTW Everyone one here knows, in person, you'd clam right up.

And you did have "a state within a state"; in fact several- right after reconstruction.

Your snobbery always shines through. And your nationality does not make anything you say less or more legit than what anyone else says. In fact, your constant infantile assertions of it compromise every point you make. I would stop coming on here and advertising your education too.

It just makes it look more like good money after bad. You know, like the hospital bill after your birth.

Anonymous said...

Being kicked off of you land and then kicking someone else off while enslaving others to do the hard labor is well,


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Anonymous said...

I saw what you wrote. It's bs baiting like everything else you write.

Conservatives like conservatives. Especially other wealthy conservatives. You think they want the -or more- poor (except as servants, militia, cannon fodder- as liberal as it gets, besides chattel slavery that is. etc.)??? You are that dense. You bi444 everyday about poor a$$ latinos skipping over the border. Not so much about the wealthier brand taking refuge in Florida after a failed coup attempt though ;)

If I'm lobotomized, why engage me? What's the use --- wannabe Massah?

I should be of no consequence to you at all.

Whistling past the swamp methinks....

You are the biggest liberal on here.


Bigly big.

You put Burke and Tocqueville to shame.


Incidentally, does she have all of her teeth? I'm sure you checked. I'll bet you kept the bills for her travel here too. What do you think that one will go on? Damn that Article 1, Section 9.




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Anonymous said...

Weak weak. Squuuuuuuuuueeeeelll like a peeeeeg...

You started the add hominins. You. So don't try it, OK?

Don't start none, won't be none.

I don't care about your family. Honestly. Really.

You bring it up.

What they've done, did, are going to do, does not mean your politics suck any less. Nor does it make you any less of a pure liberal snowflake. You can dish it out, but you sure can't take it.

I really don't know what makes me a racist. Seems to me every argument you make is in defense of being a racist or racist practices or policies. If I were a racist, I think I'd know it. Pretty sure I wouldn't try to cover it up using my FAMILY.

The left wing thing... that's your label for me. That's how you categorize people to make them fit your view on the world. Really doesn't mean shit to me - my view of you, however, really gets the 'ol ticker palpatatin' don't it Boss?

But back to immigration,
it's not working the way it's being done here in the USA. Liberal, conservative, right wing whatever. Put the military on the border. Shut it down. Right down. All of it. We'll then see the weevils come out of the woodwork. And that's exactly why it ain't gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

And Trudeau is too busy trying to look relevant and cute to see the agenda is to make his re-election prospects dimmer than they all ready are.

Anonymous said...

Sorry boss,

didn't know there was an ad hominem directed at you. I don't really see a big 'ol difference between libs and cons these days. Not at their core.

Just been my observation that Cons are more class conscious, on average. I said what I said about Libs because they are cynical and offensive in their immigration policies. I could not care less about your assessment of "appearing balanced".

It was not an attack on your person. I really don't you other than your constant bullying - which really needs to be challenged. So fk off. I won't comment on you. Don't dare comment on me.

And I've watched you on here call people idiots and such for their opinions on this or that issue.

So, like I said, don't try it. This ain't the Big House. You don't make the rules.

Anonymous said...

Such a liberal you are! Always playing the victim! "Oh, 5 ad hominins. Did you see that everyone?! 5!" Sniveling little s---.

Oh yes, I'm a troll, I'm dishonest, I'm a liberal, I'm a racist blah blah blah. One thing I'm not is dumb enough to fall for your nonsense.

You are a total bore. You haven't had an original thought or insight on the blog. Same old shit. What's next> Pinko???

Not all conservative are rich, by the way. Even the most broken down poor ones love and worship the wealthy. Hence Magatime. They are deceived.

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Anonymous said...

Amen anon!!!!