Sunday, June 10, 2018

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- June 10, 2018

Uwe Parpart, Asia Times: Can Trump persuade Kim Jong-un to give up nuclear weapons?

The US president is offering something past administrations rejected – international legitimacy for the Kim regime. Unlike other options, it has a chance to succeed

President Trump is prepared to offer North Korea full diplomatic relations in return for full denuclearization, Jonathan Swan and Mike Allen reported at the website The US president “is willing to consider establishing official relations with North Korea and even eventually putting an embassy in Pyongyang,” the news site quoted US government sources, in return for denuclearization.

The trade-off of North Korea’s nuclear weapons in return for international legitimacy for the Pyongyang regime is an approach that previous US Administrations considered and rejected. But it is the only diplomatic strategy that has a chance of working. Pyongyang might accept Complete, Verifiable and Irreversible Dismantlement, or CVID, of its nuclear weapons stockpile in return for one thing and one thing only, and that is survivability of its regime.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- June 10, 2018

Donald Trump's off-the-cuff summit with Kim Jong Un might succeed. Here's why. -- Aaron David Miller and Richard Sokolsky, USA Today

Kim-Trump summit a brand boost for Singapore -- Nile Bowie, Asia Times

North Korea Is Ultimately China's Problem: How Washington Can Get Beijing to Step Up -- Isaac Stone Fish and Robert E. Kelly, Foreign Affairs

US-China trade war on hold for now, but wait until Donald Trump has finished with the G7 and Kim Jong-un -- SCMP

Donald Trump vs everyone: here’s the best of the barbs from G7 -- SCMP/AFP

Inside the Trade War Chaos -- D. Sevastopulo, S. Fleming & S. Donnan, Financial Times

China is Buying Up Ports and Influence Across Europe -- Ronald H. Linden, National Interest

Putin and Xi top the G6+1 -- Pepe Escobar, Asia Times

EU, Indonesia sliding towards a trade war -- John McBeth, Asia Times

Jordan crisis: Why Gulf states are rushing to step in -- Ali Younes, Al Jazeera

Iran faces new threat as Kurdish jihadis join IS in Afghanistan -- Fazel Hawramy, Al Monitor

Iraqi Kurds face uncertain future after election turmoil -- Jonathan Gorvett, Asia Times

Navigating the Post–Obama World -- Stuart Gottlieb, National Interest

A top tech investor says cameras watching your every move is inevitable in the US: 'It's not my fault what the future holds, so if it's scary I apologize' -- Melia Robinson, Business Insider

Theranos: The Silicon Valley fairy tale that fooled nearly everyone -- Ariel Bogle, ABC News Online

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