Monday, June 25, 2018

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- June 25, 2018

Seda Serdar, DW: Recep Tayyip Erdogan wins, democracy loses

Turkey has voted in historic presidential and parliamentary elections. Despite the controversial vote, Erdogan claimed victory. The road ahead will be hard for the opposition and its supporters, writes DW’s Seda Serdar.

A new era has begun in Turkey. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has cemented his power for the next five years, at least. The new system allows the president to appoint cabinet ministers directly, gives him the power to issue decrees and appoint members of the judiciary.

Erdogan was able to get an outright majority to win the presidency even though votes for his Justice and Development Party (AKP) dropped to 42.5 percent from 49.5 percent in the previous parliamentary election in 2015.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- June 25, 2018

Five reasons why Erdogan won Turkey's polls -- AFP

Five Questions: ‘Turkey is no longer a democracy’ -- Arlene Getz, Reuters

Erdogan’s victory in Turkish election expands his powers -- Jonathan Gorvett, Asia Times

How US-Turkey deal in Manbij could affect Russia's influence -- Metin Gurcan, Al-Monitor

What is behind Jared Kushner's latest Middle East tour? -- Ibrahim Fraihat, Al Jazeera

Critics and Cheerleaders of the Trump-Kim Summit Are Mistaken -- Jared McKinney, National Interest

Stalin’s master play in Korea was aimed at dividing China -- Andrew Salman, Asia Times

As Modi cuts it loose, Kashmir is about to get even worse. Yes, that’s possible -- Fahad Shah, SCMP

Australia is busy making friends in the Pacific to try to muscle China out -- Matthew Doran, ABC News Online

As tourism and trading links soar, will Greece become the bridge between China and the rest of Europe? -- Hilary Clarke, SCMP

Here's How China Is Achieving Global Semiconductor Dominance -- Greg Levesque, National Interest

A tragedy in the making as the US confronts China -- David P. Goldman, Asia Times

Why the debt deal with the EU is bad for Greece -- Jerome Roos, Al Jazeera

Trump looks to make more history, this time with Putin -- Rebecca Kheel, The Hill

How Ortega has stayed in power in Nicaragua -- Reuters

1 comment:

Bloggermonster said...

To say democracy loses is just more whining from a losing party. The vote was cast democratically why people blame the failure of the people to get out and vote by saying something so idiotic is beyond me. USA whines about Trump yet he got voted in because the votes were there. If Turkey really wants Erdogan gone then they would have voted him out.