Sunday, June 10, 2018

Commentaries And Analysis Before The Trump-Kim Summit In Singapore

Liu Zhen, SCMP: Why Donald Trump should stay wary about North Korea’s nuclear plans – even if Kim Jong-un promises to allow inspections

Experts say that the level of know-how and stock of easily concealed materials would make it easy for Pyongyang to start making bombs again

Experts believe that North Korea has the capability and knowledge to hide hundreds of kilograms of nuclear material from inspectors and could quickly resume its bomb-making programme, even if it agrees to start the denuclearisation process at next week’s summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un.

A recent report by a team led by Siegfried Hecker, a former director of the America’s Los Alamos weapons laboratory, calculated that at the end of last year North Korea’s inventory contained between 250 and 500kg (550-1,000lb) of highly enriched uranium-235 (HEU) and 20 to 40kg of plutonium-239 (Pu-239), the two most important materials for making a bomb.

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Commentaries And Analysis Before The Trump-Kim Summit In Singapore

Kim Jong Un: the young leader taking centre stage -- AFP
What Kim Is -- Matthew Continetti, NRO
From ‘Mad man’ to ‘Rocket man’: The undiplomatic diplomacy behind the North Korea summit -- France 24
Analysis: What to Look for at US-North Korea Summit -- AP
Is Donald Trump Ready to Meet Kim Jong-un? -- The New York Times
Donald Trump prefers unscripted Kim summit in Singapore to G7 ritual -- Jon Sopel, BBC
In Singapore, remember history before signing a deal with Kim -- Harry J. Kazianis, The Hill
Kim takes big gamble leaving North Korea for Trump summit in Singapore -- CBC/AP
North Korea must open up to improve economy and living standards, but China also stands to gain -- Matthew Carney, ABC News Online
How China can stay in the North Korea influence game -- Lee Jeong-ho, SCMP
Trump-Kim summit: China plays an important role -- Florence Looi, Al Jazeera
How 11 US presidents failed to make peace with North Korea -- Michael Pembroke, Al Jazeera
Donald Trump thinks he's a dealmaker but experts fear the summit is a trap by North Korea -- Zoe Daniel, ABC News Online
Korean War: summit raises hopes for treaty to end frozen conflict -- AFP
The decades-long drive to rid North Korea of nuclear weapons -- AFP
Will Kim seek 'burger diplomacy'? North Korea leader 'could look to bring McDonald's and a Trump-branded hotel to Pyongyang to secure security and investment' at summit -- Daily Mail
What Do Americans Think of Trump’s Summit With Kim Jong Un? -- Shilby Telhami, Foreign Policy
The Photo-Op Summit -- Foreign Policy

1 comment:

Roger Smith said...

It will be nice to see this mindset fade out. How about one of these analysts speculating on him NOT building useless things?
Both of these guys have a great opportunity here if they could assume a reasonable behavior pattern and rise above their selves.[or is it themselves?] If they are successful I #1 want to se the recent white house occupant's response. Put down after put down on The Legacy. #2, Pelosi's comments would, I am sure, be historically silly.
