Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Here Are 3 Weapons That Taiwan Would Love To Have


Zachary Keck, National Interest: 3 Weapons Taiwan Would Love to Buy to Defend Itself Against China

No country is more threatened by China’s growing military and economic power than the island of Taiwan. Beijing has always considered Taiwan a renegade province that it vows to once again control.

For most of their history since 1949, however, China did not have the military power to conquer Taiwan by force. Indeed, for many decades Taiwan’s military was qualitatively superior to the mainland’s. Furthermore, even after the United States established diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China, it has promised (somewhat ambiguously) to defend Taiwan from a Chinese invasion. This was often backed up in action such as when Bill Clinton sent two U.S. aircraft carriers into the Taiwan strait after China tried to intimidate Taipei with missile tests around the island in the mid-1990s.

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WNU Editor: Yes. THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) and BrahMos anti-ship missiles will be on the top of the list that the Taiwanese would want.


Anonymous said...

You would think that Taiwan would be bristled with anti ship missiles.

Anonymous said...

What Taiwan wants most is protection. Millions of people threatened and bullied by China's wish to forcefully unite against their will. Nothing to see here. .just China doing whatever they please. No law applies to them. Let them keep stealing and bullying. Next time it might be you and your country or people

Last few years it was:
New zeaLand

Wake the f up, world.