Saturday, June 9, 2018

Iranian Official Admits To Facilitating Passage Of al-Qaeda’s 9/11 Attackers

Larijani narrated the details of the Iranian regime’s relations with al-Qaeda. (Al Arabiya)

Al-Arabiya: WATCH: In first, Iran admits to facilitating passage of al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attackers

Mohammad-Javad Larijani, the international affairs assistant in the Iranian judiciary, confessed in unprecedented remarks that Iran facilitated the passage of al-Qaeda members who carried out the September 11, 2001 terror attacks in New York.

In an interview with the Iranian state TV broadcast on May 30 and circulated by activists on social media networks, Larijani narrated the details of the Iranian regime’s relations with al-Qaeda and how the Iranian intelligence supervised the passage and relocation of al-Qaeda members in Iran.

Read more ....

Update: Iranian Politician Discusses Facilitation Of 9/11 Hijackers (Daily Caller)

WNU editor: Why is he admitting to this right now? Your guess is as good as mine.


jac said...

Provocation. Iran has nothing to lose now, the future is already drawn: America military confrontation. If they die, they want the world know why.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

"I'm" nice english narc boy

Andrew Jackson said...

Bomb the crap out of Iran Trumpy!

Anonymous said...

Confirming what has been known for over a decade.

Anonymous said...

alas, macho comment people: Trump is not going to do anything and you forgot to mention how Obama did this or that to make things bad...Yep. Iran economy in bad shape. And yes, people mighty unhappy. But do not expect change and do not expect revenge attack

Unknown said...
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