Monday, June 18, 2018

My Take On Children At The U.S. - Mexican Border

U.S. detention center, June 18, 2014.

Washington Examiner: Trump administration could be holding 30,000 border kids by August, officials say

The Trump administration could be holding 30,000 illegal immigrant children by the end of August as a result of its push to enforce federal immigration laws, which has led to the separation of children from their parents and guardians as those adults are prosecuted.

A senior administration official who asked not to be identified said the Department of Health and Human Services has been taking in about 250 children per day in recent weeks. HHS is the agency that is taking in children when they are separated from their families.

An HHS official added that the agency expects to be taking about 250 kids each day at least for the next two months. If that estimate holds, HHS could be caring for 18,500 more children by the end of August.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I think someone needs to step up and put everything into context. To begin .... this has been going on for years, and this blog has been posting stories on migrants trying to enter the U.S., Canada, and Europe for years. In fact .... I have lost count over the years on how many posts I have done on this one issue .... the tragedies, the human cost, the culture shock when two different peoples start living together, the dangers of open borders, etc.. As I said .... nothing new, and separating children from parents who wish to make a request for asylum is also nothing new. The above picture happened during the Obama administration, and he was very blunt at that time on how he was going to handle these cases .... Obama rips GOP on immigration, says he will act alone (USA Today). So why the excitement now .... when everyone kept quiet for 20 years!!!!! Why the outrage now .... when many have been writing and posting stories on migrants for years .... but were ignored. We all know the answer .... this is just a club to beat down on President Trump. Fortunately some in the news media are coming out and admitting the truth ....
But I leave the best for the last .... and it comes from this Democratic congressmen from Texas who told CNN that the Obama administration tried to keep this quiet even as 70,000 children flooded across the border back in 2014 (see video below).


Anonymous said...

President Trump is the real victim in all of this We must never forget.

Bert Bert said...

Public school system also seperates parents and children. With the number of people to house. Keeping men, women, and children ins separate holding cells is needed. If you had big groups of people together and a child was abused or hurt, you were hear them complaining about why didn't you separate them. The space is not available for separate housing for each family.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the sudden convulsion in the press over the detained and separated children is a random, happenstance, unplanned event. As editor has pointed out, this situation has been around for years. Something like this hits the fan when there is a political need for a diversion in the news cycle.

So, why now? Why would the liberal, political operatives and media let this all hang out now? Is there anything that attention needs to be drawn away from?

What is happening in the news that is a threat to their cause?

OIG Report and congressional hearings on the findings.

Anonymous said...

"...liberal, political operatives and media let this all hang out now?"

You do know that Trump is the first president ever to have an entire 24 hour news network shilling for him. But, yes, he is history's greatest victim. Pray for him.