Thursday, June 28, 2018

Pakistan Has Been Placed On A Global Terror Financing Watchlist

AFP: Pakistan placed on global terror financing watchlist: foreign office

Pakistan has been placed on a global terror financing watchlist, its foreign office said Thursday, tainting its image ahead of a general election and as it touts dramatic improvements in security.

Members of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an anti money-laundering watchdog based in Paris, voted earlier this year to place Pakistan on the list of countries that are not doing enough to combat terror financing.

It was given three months to make enough changes to avoid the listing. But on Thursday Dr Mohammad Faisal told reporters at a weekly briefing that the country has been grey-listed by FATF.

"Now after negotiation of an action plan, Pakistan will enforce that action plan, will implement it while remaining in the grey list," he said.

"We have conveyed our concerns to them and they have told us theirs."

Read more ....

Update: Day After Submitting Plan To Avoid Blacklist, Pak Gets 'Grey-Listed' (NDTV)

WNU Editor:  If they had not submitted their plan to avoid being put on the "blacklist", my gut tells me that they would have been put on the "blacklist".

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