Thursday, June 14, 2018

U.S. Secretary Of State Pompeo: North Korea Sanctions To Remain In Place Until Complete Denuclearization

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivers remarks on the Trump administration's Iran policy at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, U.S. May 21, 2018. Jonathan Ernst | Reuters

CNBC/Reuters: Pompeo says North Korea sanctions to remain in place until complete denuclearization

* Tough sanctions will remain on North Korea until its complete denuclearization, the U.S. secretary of state said.
* Pompeo apparently contradicted the North's view that the process agreed at this week's summit would be phased and reciprocal.
* The summit statement provided no details on when Pyongyang would give up its nuclear weapons program or how the dismantling might be verified.

Tough sanctions will remain on North Korea until its complete denuclearization, the U.S. secretary of state said on Thursday, apparently contradicting the North's view that the process agreed at this week's summit would be phased and reciprocal.

U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un issued a joint statement after their Singapore meeting that reaffirmed the North's commitment to "work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula", an end to joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises and gave U.S. guarantees of security to North Korea.

"President Trump has been incredibly clear about the sequencing of denuclearization and relief from the sanctions," Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters after meeting South Korea's president and Japan's foreign minister in Seoul.

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WNU Editor: The Chinese have just committed themselves to US Secretary of State Pompeo that they will maintain sanctions on North Korea .... but everyone that I know in the region are telling me the same time .... the trend to dissolve sanctions is quickly speeding up, and everyone is telling North Korea that to maintain this momentum they must also reciprocate .... which the North Koreans are telling everyone (i.e. the Chinese, Russians, and South Koreans) that they will. Of course everyone is also fearful that North Korea may renege on everything, and this push for reconciliation will end. I hope this will not be the case .... but I do not see that happening, especially after President Trump had cancelled the Singapore Summit. Everything changed after that .... people became more committed to the whole process .... I guess everyone realized that the alternative of going back to the status quo was not acceptable. And as for sanctions remaining in place until after complete denuclearization .... I do not think that is going to happen. It is going to happen in steps .... and once it starts it will accelerate very quickly .... but by then the process of denuclearization would be irreversible and the threat of North Korea restarting its nuclear program would not be a threat at all. At least that is what I hope.


B.Poster said...


Your hope and mine are the same. As long as pressure is maintained on NK to fulfill their commitments, I think this hope is warranted. America will honor its commitments for two basic reasons. 1.) POTUS knows we need peace and, as such, he and his team are highly motived to negotiate in good faith and will be well versed on all the pertinent issues. 2.)There is always intense media pressure on America to live up to its end of any agreement.

The problem with allot of diplomatic initiatives is that there is pressure put on one side to fulfill its end of the agreement but their is no pressure placed on the other side. When DJT cancelled the meeting, perhaps it put others on notice that the United States was not to be trifled with and is to be taken seriously.

As an example of where pressure is placed on one side but not the other is the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The Israelis and the Palestinians reach an agreement, intense pressure is placed on Israel to honor its end of the agreement, no pressure or expectations are placed on the Palestinians to honor their portion of the agreement, they violate it, no consequences, and consequently the problem never gets solved. Should this situation follow that pattern we would be in trouble as we would be expected to make concessions but NK would have no corresponding pressure.

At this point, I don't think DJT or his team will fall for that trick. I don't think SK or Japan will either. As such, tremendous progress has been made in a very short time. I estimate an 85% to 90% chance we are going to pull this off. If this process fails, there are other options we can pursue.

War News Updates Editor said...

B. Poster. I have just put up a post on why Kim Jung-un cannot go back now.

fred said...

What agreement, comrade, had been reached between Israel and the Palestinians, do you include West Bank and Gaza, and, if so, show us what that agreement is. If you do not mean both groups, then it is not The Palestinians. In fact, there is no agreement.

B.Poster said...


"Comrade" you read my posts so you know I deplore Communism. Having revealed my true name and identity you still insist on such actions. I think you are trying to trick those who don't read. You have no argument therefore you must try and discredit me somehow. You are to predictable. Your position cannot survive on its merits, try and discredit the other person through baseless slander.

Now as for examples, one specific example was the "roadmap to peace." There have been other initiatives down through the years. Essentially Israel makes concessions and faces intense pressure to do more all while minimal to no pressure is applied to the Palestinians. As such, the efforts invariably fail.

It is a real risk that America could face intense pressure to do to much with regards to living sanctions while NK faces little pressure to actually fulfill nuclear disarmament.

Such an approach could cause the current effort to fail. If it does fail, there are other options we can pursue.

B.Poster said...


I look forward to reading your post on this. I agree on some level. It will be difficult for them to back down.

Also, this isn't the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. 1.) China and Russia want to grow and acquire wealth. They are well positioned to be the dominant powers of the 21st century. (This might NOT happen .) They do NOT want a war yet they need the Kim/NK buffer. Kim may have been informed of such things. Then enter Trump who knows America needs peace yet all powers need to understand America's military especially assuming the nuclear arsenal works is a formidable force. 2 ) Countries like SK and Japan will be there to monitor things. 3.) Kim shaking hands with Trump and the NK general saluting Trump bring a legitimacy to the American position that has never been afforded before.

I estimate an 85% chance this succeeds. Unfortunately the US may not always have leaders of the caliber of Trump. Never underestimate the capacity of the US government to do stupid. 1 ) Bumbling into Ukraine. 2.)Bumbling into Libya. 3.)Hyperventilating over POTUS salute of a foreign general without even bothering to examine the context. 4.)Hyperventilating over the suspension of military drills when it should have been ridiculously obvious the drills would/should be suspended. Any such stupid moves or comparable could detail the entire process.

I pray something like this is not allowed to occur or continue. America MUST have peace.