Tuesday, June 26, 2018

U.S. Senator Mark Warner Takes Back His Comments That He Knows Details Of The Mueller Investigation

FOX News: Mark Warner reportedly jokes about revealing info on Russia probe at fundraiser

Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., on Friday reportedly joked about the Russia investigation at a high-dollar retreat on Martha’s Vineyard and told Democratic donors to “buckle up.”

Warner reportedly joked to donors that he might reveal sensitive information known only to him and Special Counsel Robert Mueller who’s investigating the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia.

“If you get me one more glass of wine, I’ll tell you stuff only Bob Mueller and I know. If you think you’ve seen wild stuff so far, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild couple of months,” he reportedly said, which was understood as a joke.

Read more ....

Update #1: Trump: Was Warner in ‘near drunken state’ when he made Mueller joke? (Politico)
Update #2: Trump rails against lawmaker for Russia investigation comments possibly made 'in a near drunken state' (Business Insider)
Update #3: Trump questions Warner ‘joke’ about special counsel probe (AP)

WNU Editor: This is what I said yesterday ....

.... Is the head of the Mueller Counsel telling U.S. Sen. Mark Warner (Democrat) and other Democrats the details of his investigation? .... Overheard at the DSCC retreat on Martha’s Vineyard (Politico). If this story is true .... the Mueller Counsel should be closed down immediately. I expect this story to be picked up by President Trump and others in the coming days.

So yes .... the President did call U.S. Senator Mark Warner out on this one .... and not surprising .... Senator Warner has backtracked on what he said. But guess what .... I do not think Senator Mark Warner was that (probably not even close) .... in fact I think he was telling the truth. The political networking at this Senator's level .... especially within the Democrat Party .... is probably very extensive. U.S. Senator Mark Warner is in a position where he knows everyone who is important in Democrat politics .... and that includes a lot of people in Mueller's team who are well known Democrat supporters. And because everyone who is anyone in Washington wants to know what the Mueller Counsel is doing .... I cannot help but feel that someone within the Mueller Counsel is talking to the Senator .... because that is what the Senator wants. It is just that in this case someone over-heard the Senator at this part, and they made the decision to make this public.

1 comment:

jimbrown said...

and if that info is worthy of bringing down Trump, it would be leaked already.