Monday, June 25, 2018

Where Is Barack Obama?

Visiting Justin Trudeau, June 2017. Photo: Adam Scotti/Prime Minister’s Office/Handout via REUTERS

Gabriel Debenedetti, NYMag: Where Is Barack Obama?

The most popular American, whose legacy is the primary target of Donald Trump, has, for now, virtually disappeared from public life.

Barack Obama was six months into his post–White House life when Donald Trump found a new way to grab his attention. It was a Tuesday morning deep in the mid-Atlantic summer, and, feeling a world away from the Pennsylvania Avenue grind, the former president was reading the New York Times on his iPad.

The previous evening, Trump had visited West Virginia, where he spoke at the annual Boy Scout Jamboree. Addressing a crowd of roughly 40,000, who were expecting the usual talk about citizenship and service, the president uncorked a political diatribe packed with jabs at Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Washington, D.C., “cesspool”; reminders about the importance of saying “Merry Christmas”; and reminiscences of Election Night 2016 and the pundits he embarrassed. “You remember that incredible night with the maps, and the Republicans are red and the Democrats are blue, and that map was so red it was unbelievable. And they didn’t know what to say,” Trump told the Scouts. They seemed bewildered at first but before long broke into chants of “USA!” Adult observers were openly horrified. Three days later, the Boy Scouts’ leader would apologize for Trump’s speech.

Read more ....

WNU editor: It is obvious to me on what the former President is doing right now .... he is making money and finding ways to make more .... and there is nothing wrong with that. As for Gabriel Debenedetti saying in the post above that former President Obama has refrained from criticizing President Trump .... I am not sure about that .... I saw the former President give a speech in Montreal last June, and his remarks were very critical of the current President. But I think former President Obama is realizing what all former Presidents have realized in the past .... when you are out of office you no longer have the bully pulpit .... and you cannot compete with the current President when it comes to the media. There is also the added problem that if does start making public appearances where questions can be directed at him .... he may have to answer some questions that he does not want to answer. For example .... when did he know that his Justice Department was targeting the Trump campaign for Russian collusion, and what did he do after that. These are issues that I am sure he wants to stay away from .... especially since the Mueller Counsel is still investigating this entire affair, and he does not want to position himself where he may be then called upon by the Mueller Counsel to answer some questions. Hmmmm .... yeah. Better stay low key right now, and focus on making money.


Bloggermonster said...

Looks like the ladies were asked to leave the table half way through their chardonnay lol. The boys' arms still where they would have been around them... interesting. Makes you wonder what the women feel being considered second place.

Although I'm sure Mrs. Treudeau would feel 4th if it was Trump there.

Donald 1st, Justin 2nd, Melania 3rd and Sophie 4th lol.

Hamstantheman said...

Might have 2nd and 3rd places mixed up there...

RussInSoCal said...

...and no big, post-"preezy" book deals ether.

(so far)

Crusader said...

Was lucky (or should I say unlucky) enough to don my best suit and hear Obama give a talk a few months ago in NZ.
The evening was pretty embarrassing and cringe worthy even before Obama finally took to the stage due to the comper and their ‘isea’ Of making this a memorable night.
Before Obama spoke I joked that the speech will be typical Obama: lots of words that say nothing.
I was right.
Still, the food was fantastic, the wine superb and I didn’t have to pay for my ticket.

Anonymous said...

dear snarky ones:

it is a convention in Am politics for a former president NOT to babble daily on what the new president is does happen under unusual circumstances but seldom if ever does take place, no matter which party the former president belongs to...thus, instead of childish snark, grow up

anon said...

Australia's ex Pm, Julia Gillard coincidently one of Obama and Hillary's buddies is also currently laying low. It seems she also has a few things to answer for.

Anonymous said...

Man , if he started engaging in politics dong media tour and interview , people would lose there mind ( the ex president is undermine the current pres.) , if lay low is because he is scared and don't wont to answer questions . No , he simply doing what ex presidents do , shut up and stay out of politics (thank god for that ) . We will see what the current twitter head do when he is out .

Bob Huntley said...

Anon. Just wait until Trump becomes the ex president.

Anonymous said...

Or impeached president trump ;)