Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Would China Launch A Massive Surprise Attack Against The U.S.?

Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy warships and fighter jets take part in a military display in the South China Sea, April 12, 2018. Photo: Reuters/Stringer

Dave Majumdar, National Interest: Would China Launch a Massive Pearl Harbor-style Attack Against America?

While tensions between Beijing and Washington remain primarily in the economic realm as the two great powers levy massive tariffs on each other’s exports, as relations continue to sour, those antipathies could spillover into the military realm.

As it currently stands, China and the United States do not see eye-to-eye on a number of issues including Beijing’s territorial claims in the South China Sea and its construction of artificial islands in those waters.

There are also tensions between China and the United States over Taiwan, where Beijing considers the island to be a renegade province while Washington has essentially provided Taipei with a de facto security guarantee under the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act (TRA).

Read more ....

WNU Editor: On my last visit to China a few years ago I was taken aback on how militaristic the country had become. There was no hesitation among those that I knew that if push came to shove on border disputes .... they strongly believed that China should use its military to back its claims. I was skeptical .... but when last year border clashes between Chinese and India forces got intense, and scores were injured before cooler heads intervened .... Video Emerges Showing Mass Brawl Between Indian And Chinese Soldiers Along The Banks Of The Pangong Lake, Ladakh (August 20, 2017) .... that was enough to convince me that the Chinese had changed their policy on the "when and how" they will use their military. To put it bluntly .... the Chinese view on international relations has changed dramatically in the past few years, and on the issue of border disputes .... the use of force has become a manner of policy. This then leads me to the following .... in what context would China use military force against the U.S.. I see two scenarios. The first one is a conflict between China and a U.S. ally like Japan. In this scenario the U.S. would intervene, and intervene in force. It is in this context ... if the fighting gets very intense .... that I strongly believe the Chinese would then launch a preemptive strike against U.S. forces in the West Pacific believing that Japan would in turn sue for peace. The other situation is Taiwan. If the Chinese do move on Taiwan, and the U.S. starts to move naval forces to assist the Taiwanese .... the Chinese will respond. On that I have no doubts.


Anonymous said...

A massive surprise attack is the only attack China will make. All forms of attack, long prepared to space based assets, domestic infrastructure, command and control, CONUS computer controlled ships, planes and bases. That is the non kinetic attack. Then there will be the boom stuff all across the Pacific and it will be aggressive where the Japanese were timid.

This is so obvious the US must be aware.

Anonymous said...

China would have almost the same problems Japan had in WWII, especially with their very large Achilles heel, energy.

Anonymous said...

Lock her up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SCOTTYD said...

"Lock her up" Anon, do you live in your mom's basement, or under a bridge?

Anonymous said...

China is going to have a war with India or Vietnam long before any attacks on nations or "rouge provinces" that would bring in the US military.

Dictators always start small and cowardly with easy wins on much weaker nations first. Always.
Then they get their druthers up, bite off more than they can handle and get toppled.

anon said...

It would be silly to attack the US any time soon with Trump at the helm. They are still devoping some interesting weapons and for the time being they can play a waiting game.

Bert Bert said...

I think they still have problems projecting power much beyond their borders. Though they are working on this. Energy sources are a big logistical problem for them. They do have production capability like crazy though.

Anonymous said...

Wow.really? How about some evidence before calling someone a traitor? Go back to watching cnn