Saturday, July 7, 2018

Five Years After Australia's Combat Operations Officially Ended In Afghanistan, This Special Forces Soldier Remains On The Front Line

Photo: A US solider calls in airstrikes over Bagh Dara Valley. (Supplied: Coffee, or Die Magazine)

ABC News Online: Australian soldier fighting with US Green Berets against IS in Afghanistan

Five years after Australia's combat operations officially ended in Afghanistan, an elite Australian soldier remains on the front line in the war-torn country, fighting Islamic State (IS) militants.

The Special Forces soldier known as "Mark" is attached to a group of elite American "Green Berets", who have been operating in eastern Afghanistan's isolated Mohmand Valley, near the Pakistan border.

His dangerous "advise and assist" mission in the remote Nangarhar province has been documented by journalist Marty Skovlund Jr, who also once served as an American Special Operations soldier.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This Australian soldier's remarks on what are the differences between ISIS fighters and Taliban fighters is telling ....

.... "They're drug addicts, or mentally unstable folks (ISIS fighters) … whereas the Taliban is much more your regular Afghan that has a different take on what the direction of the country should be."


Jimmy said...

anon said...

"Mr Roberts-Smith has previously stated that he has not been questioned by the inquiry. He is strongly backed by several soldiers he served with in Afghanistan, including his former patrol commander, who has insisted to colleagues that Mr Roberts-Smith is innocent of wrongdoing. The former sergeant has told colleagues the Brereton investigation has “nothing” and is a waste of time"
Sorry, but we must be very sceptical of any story from Fairfax Media. I'd be more inclined to believe any statement made by Mr Roberts-Smith and his patrol commander than anything coming from Fairfax's "sources"

Anonymous said...

If the US were to block the methamphetamine flow, ISIS fighters would be stopped dead in their tracks... they eat those pills like candy for their daily battles.. without it, they would be a mess (and less aggressive, I might add)