Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Now Is The Time To Nail Down The Details Over North Korea’s Nuclear Intentions

North Korean soldiers photograph Gen. Vincent K. Brooks, the commander of U.S. Forces Korea, in March as he visits the Joint Security Area inside the Korean Demilitarized Zone. (Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Sean K. Harp/ Army)

Kim Gamel, Stars and Stripes: Fears over North Korea’s nuclear intentions increase pressure on Trump to nail down details

SEOUL, South Korea — Recent revelations suggesting that North Korea is pressing forward with its nuclear missile program increase pressure on the Trump administration to wrest concrete concessions and denuclearization timelines from the communist state.

A series of news reports, based on anonymous intelligence officials and satellite images, have added fodder to criticism that President Donald Trump gave away too much too soon in his unprecedented summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Skeptics say the North has no intention of giving up its hard-won gains in developing a nuclear weapon that could target the U.S. mainland and is trying to buy time to persuade Washington to ease punishing economic sanctions that have begun to bite.

The reports have emerged as the State Department announced that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo would arrive in the North Korean capital Pyongyang on Friday to resume negotiations three weeks after Trump met with the North Korean leader in Singapore

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WNU Editor: I suspect that this is the reason why US Secretary of State Pompeo is going to North Korea on Thursday .... Pompeo to head to North Korea as doubts mount about its intentions (Reuters).


Anonymous said...

Nothing happened in Singapore, but for a nightly TV episode.

In his June 13th tweet, the President said North Korea is no longer a threat.

America is a sick joke.

B.Poster said...

Ironically the media seems more worried now than they were when NK was actively testing missiles and threatening to attack America on a practically daily basis. This seems rather puzzling. With that said of course we should be skeptical and should always ask questions of our leaders.

Anonymous said...

Nothing happened in Singapore. It was a TV episode. What does the "media" have to do with this?

B.Poster said...


The "big stuff" has likely been agreed on. What remains is the margins. In any business deal, sometimes the "margins" take longer than the "big stuff" to iron out.

With that said failure at the "margins" can undermine the "big stuff." I agree parts of America can be a "sick joke." Examples of this are hysterics over the "salute" and the suspension of military drills. Such things send the wrong messages and could undermine the entire process.

At the time POTUS tweeted This, the statement was likely accurate and still is. Don't underestimate the power of the US government to do stupid. I think the editor is spot on when he says to allow it some time. We haven't given up anything if value at this point and the reduction in tensions is remarkable.

B.Poster said...

Tensions have been significantly reduced. Even the Japanese say so by their actions. As I've stated elsewhere I'd trust their judgment over the incompetent boobs of our CIA any day.

The,media has been absolutely hysterical in their criticisms of POTUS during the entire process. NK is not currently threatening to anniahalate us. They were a few months ago. The media is more worried about them now than they were then. This is weird. This is what the media has to do with it.

If you don't get this, I can't explain it to you. It would be like trying to explain "the sky is blue" or "touching a hot stove will burn you."

jac said...

Well, that's possible NoKo is cheating, but it was worse under Obama who let NoKo doing everything with his "strategic patience".

fred said...

of course it was worse under Obama. so too everything...what then has changed this week under Trump?
When we get a solid treaty and we inspect etc then you might have something to measure with. Till then: you are typical snarkster

Unknown said...
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Roger Smith said...

Not the McCain of old. An ongoing downhill slide years in length and greatly disappointing.

Unknown said...
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