Monday, July 9, 2018

President Trump Is Still Confident That North Korea Will Denuclearize

CNN: Trump confident North Korea is committed to de-nuking

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump said Monday he remains confident that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un intends to follow through on his broad pledges of denuclearization, even as Pyongyang erupted at the US following meetings with the US secretary of state.

"I have confidence that Kim Jong Un will honor the contract we signed &, even more importantly, our handshake," Trump tweeted on Monday. "We agreed to the denuclearization of North Korea."

Trump also pointed a finger at China, accusing North Korea's powerful neighbor of possibly "exerting negative pressure on a deal" because of ongoing US-China trade disputes.

"Hope not!" Trump tweeted.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: In the end the decision is up to North Korea. Do not denuclearize and live under sanctions and threats, or go another direction. President Trump believes that the decision has been made in North Korea to go another direction. I guess we will know for sure in the coming months.

More News On President Trump Being Confident That North Korea Will Denuclearize

Trump optimistic after North Korea criticizes talks -- Politico
Trump suggests China might be interfering in U.S.-North Korea talks -- Reuters
Trump says China derailing N. Korea talks --
President Trump demands North Korea's Kim Jong Un live up to denuclearization agreement -- USA Today


Anonymous said...

Contract? What is he talking about? There is no contract, treaty, agreement or anything else in writing. Trump is either delusional or he just likes to hear himself jabber on and does't give a damn.

And then there is the loony June 13th tweet:

"Just landed - a long trip, but everybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office. There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea. Meeting with Kim Jong Un was an interesting and very positive experience. North Korea has great potential for the future."

Guy's got a screw loose.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Airy, ethereal sentiments signifying nothing. No Details on weapons, fissile material, labs, missiles, Yongbyon, or test facilities.

Nothing happened in Singapore. It was an episode of TV. And nothing is going to happen. Pompeo's waste of a trip last week is proof of that.

Unknown said...
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fazman said...

I suppose you felt safer under Obamas watch, and his genius strategy of strategic patience.

Anonymous said...

TV episode. Move on. Nothing happened. Nothing is going to happen. Pompeo will shuttle around, sanctions will be eased and nothing will change.

Sleep tight.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Lol! The guy who thought America won in Vietnam thinks the Iranian revolution is about to fail!

You ever spend anytime in Iran? Vilayat-i Faqih will be around long after President Deals is gone. Another Neocon fantasist.

It isn't hard to fool a rube.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

It was a guy on CNN who said pretty much what he said - some new talking point that they're pushing and this little parrot just mindlessly repeated near verbatim.

Here the point that is actually in the written declaration:

"Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula"

That's quite clear, little parrot. Now go back to watch CNN.

Source: NBC!

Unknown said...
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B.Poster said...


You write "TV episode. Move on. Nothing happened. Nothing happened. Nothing is going to happen." This has been one of the media's talking points for quite awhile now. It's sort of like about something long enough and loud enough in the hopes people will start to,believe it.

Is the talking point accurate? Very respectfully the evidence for the talking point is questionable at best. While it is a judgement call, whom do we believe? Do we believe the US "western" news media who have a poor track record along with known sbti-Trump biases? Do we believe US "Intelligence" services who likewise have a poor track record?

On the other hand, do we ignore actions so as to support the talking point? Again, very respectfully to support the talking point one would need to ignore a host of actions on the part of those in the region. Just to cite a few examples. 1.)The South Korean leadership has,praised POTUS and his team for their part in this. In a country where 33% of the military officers view the US as the main enemy, such talk will not be done lightly. 2. ) The SK ruling party one handily due in large part to the populararity of Moon Jae Inn who has about an 80% approval rating based in large part on the current effort. 3.) Japan recently stood down their alert with regards to North Korea. Those in the know in Japan took stock of the situation and reached a different conclusion than the talking point. As stated, whom do we trust? US media pundits who aren't in a position to know and are getting whatever info they are getting from the incompetent boobs at US (un)intelligence or Japanese officials who are in a position to know. 4.)The US suspended drills in South Korea. If nothing happened or was going to happen, top SK government officials would have spoken out against such a move VERY loudly including Moon himself. They didn't.

As demonstrated, available evidence does not support the talking point. Not only is the talking point not supportable based upon the available evidence but based on the evidence the talking point is most likely false.

Now as for the tweet you refer to as idiotic, if by "everybody" his audience is Americans, the tweet was essentially accurate when he made it and remains so today. Given his actions to date, it would be,reasonable to assume "everybpdy" means Americans. Should the current efforts fail there are other options that can be pursued. Very respectfully I don't think you're seeing the big picture