Monday, July 9, 2018

Would Russia Engineer A Military Crisis On The Polish, Lithuania Border To Test NATO?

Patrick Tucker, Defense One: This is How Russia Could Test NATO, Warns Former US Army Europe Commander

Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges co-authors a new report that explores the possibility that Russia might engineer a military crisis on the Polish, Lithuania border.

At Poland’s northeast border there’s only a narrow strip of inland border connecting it to NATO members Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. It’s called the Suwalki Corridor and it has long been an object of concern for Western military leaders.

To the west sits a unique spot Russian territory, the exclave of Kaliningrad, a key military port on the Baltic Sea. To the east is Belarus, a key Russian military ally. On the eve of this week’s NATO Summit, the former commanding general of U.S. Army Europe is issuing a new warning: cutting off that corridor could be how Russian President Vladimir Putin cuts off the Baltic states from the rest of NATO, possibly without firing a shot.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: If Russia invades/occupies the Suwalki Gap .... it will not be a test on NATO, it will be major war between NATO and Russia.


Anonymous said...

Putin won't do it and Russian soldiers will not do this either. It was Russians who often avoided full nuclear confrontation, and we do remember this and owe them a lot for it. One of the reasons we are not at war with Russia over the Ukraine, for example, is, because we believe that Putin will only go so far.. instigate something like this, and a shooting war will happen, and will happen fast.. this is one step to far and I hope my Russian "brothers" (I don't see Russians as enemies, just as temporary adversaries at worst) will not go there

Roger Smith said...

Despite it's success in grabbing the Crimea, inadvertently aided by a hapless poser in mr. obama, I too very much doubt a stunt of such magnitude will be attempted here. To me this would be an act of war. Not a nuclear one but economically ruinous for some players east of Nato.
Soviet Union toilet paper anyone? A bit rodent and water damaged while in storage all these years but still better than a whisk broom.

ZAlgra said...

What a bunch of bullshit, Even if Russia secured the gap, you have sea routes and air routes.That been said Russia would quickly secure Kaliningrad and surrounding areas, including Lithuania and Latvia. Any and all Russian mobilization of units is going to be seen and countered but Russia would be hard to stop.