Monday, August 27, 2018

Google News Search Results For 'Trump' Are From Liberal Media Outlets

PJ Media: 96 Percent of Google Search Results for 'Trump' News Are from Liberal Media Outlets

Is Google manipulating its algorithm to prioritize left-leaning news outlets in their coverage of President Trump? It sure looks that way based on recent search results for news on the president.

Conservatives and Trump supporters have for the last several years questioned whether Google was deprioritizing conservative news sites, hiding them from users who utilize their search engine. Google has maintained that all outlets are treated fairly, but nevertheless, conservative sites have reported reduced search traffic and, in the case of Google-owned YouTube, content creators have been banned and demonetized. Google's high-profile firing of conservative James Damore, purportedly over his conservative political views, only reinforces the idea that Google is picking winners and losers.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Only 96%?!?!?!


SCOTTYD said...

I went to test the theory after reading this. First thing that popped up for me was fox news. This article to be exact. Sorry Fred.

Mike Feldhake said...

Did a quick "Trump" search on Google and would say that if you excluded the Trump Golf Course stuff than my returns would be ~75% or better. Nothing from Fox news, OAN or Bloomberg. Even with the new Mexico trade deal mentioned this morning.

Ugh - Another vendor I need to send a nasty gram to.

Is there a Conservative Social site out there? I thought I heard mention something about that last week.

Anonymous said...

The left is certainly obsessed about Trump.. things you are allowed to say about him, things you aren't, things that bother them, things they want Trump to say, things they don't want him to say.. it's complete Mad Cow Disease