Thursday, August 9, 2018

North Korea Rejects U.S. Timeline To Cut Its Nuclear Arsenal

Frustration has been building between the US and North Korea since their June Singapore summit Credit: Reuters/Reuters

The Telegraph: North Korea 'rejected US timeline to cut nuclear arsenal by 60-70 per cent'

North Korea has reportedly rejected a formal timeline to give up its nuclear weapons, proposed by Mike Pompeo, the US secretary of state.

The proposal, revealed by Vox, would require Pyongyang to hand over 60 to 70 percent of its nuclear warheads within six to eight months either to the US or a third country.

The concessions that the US would offer in exchange – beyond sanctions relief or removing North Korea from the state sponsors of terrorism list – remain unknown.

According to the website, the plan has been rejected by North Korean negotiators multiple times over the past two months.

Their refusal to comply could explain some of the frustration expressed by senior US officials in recent days.

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WNU Editor: The next important phase on the Korean peninsula will be this .... Seoul: Rival Koreas to meet to prepare for leaders’ summit (AP). More here .... Koreas to hold high-level talks to prepare for leaders' summit (AFP).


Mike Feldhake said...

Should be interesting negotiations going on for awhile, but good to be talking.

B.Poster said...


I agree entirely. It seems like the disagreement now is the "time" by which this is supposed to occur rather than if it is supposed to occur. This is definitely a vast improvement over where we were not so long ago.

As one of our generals said recently, "moving in the right direction." They are getting ready for another meeting between top officials in SK and NK, this effort has vast support in SK, and Japan recently lowered their alert status with regards to NK. Do we believe these developments along with the actions on the ground or do we believe the media pundits who tell us "nothing happened" in Singapore?

Common sense obviously dictates we believe the facts on the ground and a general over a media pundit who has no such practical experience and has a history of being less than credible. Also, the so called "expert" who got us into the current mess that men like Trump and Moon are trying to clean up should not be trusted as analysts either.

For the true believers, that is those worshiping at the alter of cult of anti-Russia hysteria and anti-Trump hysteria facts don't matter as they typically do not for cultists. As cultists have been capable of most anything throughout history, these people are very, very dangerous.

Entire societies such as Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan became deranged. Can this happen to America as well? I hope and pray not.