Thursday, August 16, 2018

Pentagon Report: China's Air Force Is Training For Strikes Against U.S. And Allied Targets In The Pacific

A J15 fighter jet landing on China's sole operational aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, during a drill (AFP)

AFP: Chinese bombers likely training for US strikes: Pentagon

Washington (AFP) - Chinese bombers are likely training for strikes against US and allied targets in the Pacific, according to a new Pentagon report that also details how Beijing is transforming its ground forces to "fight and win."

The annual report to Congress, released Thursday, highlights China's growing military, economic and diplomatic clout and how Beijing is leveraging this to rapidly build its international footprint and establish regional dominance.

In the case of China's air power, the report states that Chinese bombers are developing capabilities to hit targets as far from China as possible.

"Over the last three years, the PLA (People's Liberation Army) has rapidly expanded its overwater bomber operating areas, gaining experience in critical maritime regions and likely training for strikes against US and allied targets," the document states, noting how China is pushing its operations out into the Pacific.

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WNU Editor:  The prime target for China is Taiwan. The invasion of Taiwan and the allied response to such an invasion is what China's military is training for.


Anonymous said...

Taiwan needs nuclear weapons. If north Korea and Iran can get them, Taiwan should too. Of course a public program to acquire them would not be advisable. Nor would US help debated in the Congress. Problem is for any covert program to succeed incredibly tight security is needed. I believe the CCP has deeply infiltrated Taiwan govt to the point that kind of secrecy is impossible.

B.Poster said...

"Taiwan needs nuclear weapons." I tend to agree and have advocated for just such a policy since the mid 1990s. I am a bit more optimistic on Chinese penetration of Taiwan. Given that they know and have always known that China is an enemy and has been trying to infiltrate their government, I would think they have taken steps to prevent this. As such, I think the covert program would be possible. Who knows they may have already developed such weapons covertly.

Frankly, I think nuclear weapons is their best shot. While this is just an assessment and we cannot "know" without actual combat, even if the US threw everything it had into defending Taiwan in a conventional fight, Taiwan would still fall in a conventional fight. The logistical challenges involved for the US, the motivation of the Chinese populace relative to the American populace for this fight, the motivation and training of the Chinese troops relative to ours who have been worn down, overused, and suffer from low morale and spotty training is most likely simply to much to overcome. Bottom line: in a conventional fight Taiwan falls. It is not a matter of "if" but a matter of "when."

Add to this the fact that Taiwan is hardly mission critical to America's national security and without the commitment to it our relations with China would probably be much less fractious. We do NOT necessarily choose whom we are going to support based strictly on such pragmatic terms as this. America has any number of hangers on, ingrates, and users and abusers that it provides support to. As such, why not provide support to a Democratic country trying to defend itself.

I would tend to agree that it probably would not be a good idea to involve the US government in this. While I am pretty sure the Taiwanese have taken the necessary precautions to stop Chinese infiltration, I am not sure about our government. Essentially Chinese agents buried deep within the US government would notify the Chinese almost immediately about any help we are offering in this area. Perhaps there is someway we could help Taiwan develop nuclear weapons covertly. If so, perhaps we should pursue this.

Without a nuclear deterrent I see really only one other viable alternative that is essentially threefold. 1.)Build up their defenses in such a way that the inevitable Chinese victory is pyric enough that they won't consider the attack in the first place. 2.)Be able to provide something of value to China that they cannot get anywhere else for the combination of quality and price that they can get from Taiwan. In such a situation an invasion of Taiwan risks losing this thing of value. 3.)Avoid making any outwardly provocative moves towards China.

fred said...

Is that then the Russian position?

B.Poster said...


I don't know what the Russian position is. I have provided you documentation that I am not Russian yet you persist along this line of petty childish insults. From the documentation previously provided, anyone with intellectual honesty can easily research me and find out pretty much anything of relevance about me.

Since I am not Russian nor do I know any such people nor have I ever known a Russian citizen or anyone associated with the Russian government, I would have no way to ascertain exactly what the Russian position is.

With that said, while I cannot "know" without access to inside information pertaining to the Russian government, we can make inferences based upon past and current actions. Given that Russia and China are currently allies, I would suspect that, while they have been silent on this particular issue to the best of my knowledge. their position most likely mirrors that of China who obviously would not want Taiwan to have nuclear weapons.

As such, the position I advocate that Taiwan should acquire nuclear weapons is most likely not the one espoused by the Russian leadership. If you had been paying attention, which I assume you have you would certainly know this.

I think you have been paying attention. You recognized I put fourth a very reasonable and well thought out position on this trying very carefully to consider the nuances and risks associated with such policies. You did not want to address this because you cannot and therefor you sought to insult me by trying to impugn my character as this is the last resort of someone who has no good argument.

As to the other possibility I discuss in the absence of nuclear weapons, since the Russian position would most likely mirror the Chinese one, it is very unlikely the Russian leadership would support this position either.

Now if you have something constructive to offer to the topic at hand, please do so. I am all eyes. If you want to hurl childish and unfounded insults, do not waste my time. Since duties are calling me right now, I may not be able to post for awhile.

I think I answered your question. In summary, there is no way for me to know their position with 100% certainty and based upon their actions and their alliances I think it a safe conclusion that the postions I advocate are definitely not the Russian ones.

Anonymous said...

Let's take a step back. I'm all for criticising China for their horrendous human rights abuses and all the other things they do (outrageous theft in the trillions over the last few decades, militarization of south China Sea and ridiculous territorial claims, threatening neighbours who disagree with their claims with war etc)

But to me the key question in all fairness should be this: do the Taiwanese people want to live as part of China or do they want to remain independent? If they want to live freely as they do now, without the tyranny of mad man Xi and his horror social scoring system that is threatening to enslave his own Chinese fellow men, then we should help Taiwan for their wish to be free and live freely is the most basic guiding principle of all free nations. If however the Taiwanese truly want to live under Chinese rule, we should respect that. Any question of nuclear weapons is unnecessary at this point until Taiwan has clearly stated what they want. If Taiwan fears Chinese repercussions on this matter just for expressing their wish to live like free men, we will come to help. Free nations around the world will unite in this. We cannot accept a nation like China unilaterally enslaving people. Just ask Hong Kongese how they feel about the promise the Chinese gave, to let them live freely. Ask the book dealers who got abducted and tortured.
In any case, I will always help defend someone's wish to be free. But only if Taiwan clearly states they wish to live freely. That's my opinion at least. If China has some Ming dynasty claim on territory or something, I'll respectfully say go f*ck yourselves. Europe conquered almost the entire world and we don't claim anything, OK? Chill, don't need to surpress even more people. Do that to your own.

B.Poster said...

Excellent analysis!! The best way that I know of for Taiwan to establish their sincerity about defending their freedom would be to develop a robust nuclear weapons deterrent and to do it forthwith.

Obviously we should help where and when we can but ultimately while we should support liberty everywhere we can only guarantee our own. Our founders had quite a bit to say about such matters.

Unknown said...

So sick of this constant warmonger mentality driven by media. If we used our resources for peace rather than weaponry and wars and divert to the good how awesome this planet could be. It is not unrealistic.To protect our freedoms my ass. We are so mentally limited because of testastarone driven powerhungry idiots, not just in the U.S. but everywhere. They create the tensions to facilitate monetary demons. Ashamed of the way the world has become and the real reasons for living are becoming increasingly threatened: family,friends, love, adventure, etc. Doesnt anyone out "in power" there have the sense or balls to make a really true positive change and be the real hero of their lifetime? Sadly i doubt it. Liberty and freedom are as shallow as the perceived "Patriotism" people have now days. Patriotism is no longer valid, love it or leave it is not valid, there really is nothing left but the ridiculous bully power trip payoffs people swallow up. Sad days for people who actually care about other people and life and not about the agendas due to religious or social class indifference. What is true know, just ask yourself truthfully and realize the answer. It sure is not through hatred and wars.

Unknown said...

So sick of this constant warmonger mentality driven by media. If we used our resources for peace rather than weaponry and wars and divert to the good how awesome this planet could be. It is not unrealistic.To protect our freedoms my ass. We are so mentally limited because of testastarone driven powerhungry idiots, not just in the U.S. but everywhere. They create the tensions to facilitate monetary demons. Ashamed of the way the world has become and the real reasons for living are becoming increasingly threatened: family,friends, love, adventure, etc. Doesnt anyone out "in power" there have the sense or balls to make a really true positive change and be the real hero of their lifetime? Sadly i doubt it. Liberty and freedom are as shallow as the perceived "Patriotism" people have now days. Patriotism is no longer valid, love it or leave it is not valid, there really is nothing left but the ridiculous bully power trip payoffs people swallow up. Sad days for people who actually care about other people and life and not about the agendas due to religious or social class indifference. What is true know, just ask yourself truthfully and realize the answer. It sure is not through hatred and wars.