Sunday, August 26, 2018

U.S. And Mexico Said Poised To Reach NAFTA Deal Soon As Monday

Bloomberg: U.S., Mexico Said Poised to Reach Nafta Deal Soon as Monday

The U.S. and Mexico are poised to resolve their bilateral Nafta differences as soon as Monday, creating an opening for Canada to rejoin talks covering $1.2 trillion in annual trade.

Significant breakthroughs between Mexico and the U.S. came during the past several days on the contentious issues of automobiles and energy, according to three people familiar with the process who asked not to be named discussing private talks.

Along with Canada, they’ve been negotiating for a year to overhaul the 24-year-old accord at the insistence of Donald Trump. The U.S. president says the deal has led to hundreds of thousands of lost American jobs, and he promised to either change it to be more favorable to the U.S., or withdraw.

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WNU Editor: Because of the incoming new Mexican government .... this is the week that both sides must come to an agreement. As for Canada .... is it me or do I feel like a third wheel that no one really cares about? .... Canada watches nervously as US, Mexico work out NAFTA deal (Washington Examiner).


RussInSoCal said...

Wow. Excellent. A whiff of cooperation from our good friends south of the border.

Roger Smith said...

We better get Kerry and the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner on this immediately. might be a small step to reducing our trade deficit. And...and...put Americans back and off our dole and welfare enslavement programs, whimpered the crown prince of The Potemkin Republic. I'll get on it right away, wheezed the cadaverous Johnny K, while obama put on the wrong recording at full blast; "JV team" and "Red line" the speakers roared as
obama fondly remembered his glory days in Iraq and Syria, putting ISIS, Assad, and Russia on record that.....uh.....hmmmm....well.... something.

manstien said...

Done deal. We're next I hear. Perhaps we can get some manufacturers back in country? Oh yeah...the liberals will pontificate negotiations into the toilet

Mike Feldhake said...

Good one

B.Poster said...

"...the liberals will pontificate negotiations into the toilet." In the US at least, some have already had a hugely negative impact on negotiations with Russia and it appears they are trying to do they are trying to do the same with regards to North Korea. As I cannot get inside their heads, I do not "know" what they are thinking. Perhaps they do not want anything good to happen for America or Americans, perhaps they do not want Trump to succeed at anything and are going to try and undermine him at any and all costs, or perhaps it is a combination of all three.

B.Poster said...

I meant instead of "of all three" to type "of both." As I could go on regarding the number of possibilities, I chose to limit it to two possibilities. I apologize for the oversight.