Thursday, September 13, 2018

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- September 13, 2018

Srinivas Mazumdaru, DW: Are we about to face a new Asian financial crisis?

Emerging market economies and their currencies have come under severe stress in recent weeks, as rising US interest rates and trade fears prompt investors worldwide to shun their assets and move money to the US.

A strengthening American economy, a strong US dollar and growing trade tensions have led to a rout in emerging markets over the past several weeks, as investors are increasingly shifting their money to the US.

Inflows of foreign investment into emerging economies shriveled to $2.2 billion (€1.9 billion) in August, the Institute of International Finance (IIF) said in a report. In July, these markets saw portfolio inflows of $13.7 billion (€11.8 billion).

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- September 13, 2018

$42 billion in deals reportedly signed at forum in Far East -- Andrew Salmon, Asia Times

Turkish interest rate rise brings Erdoganomics down to earth -- Jo Harper, DW

President Erdoğan Goes to Berlin -- Marc Pierini, Carnegie Europe

Here's How to Save the U.S.-Turkey Alliance -- Matthew Reisener, National Interest

U.S.-Turkish Tensions Add to Regional Risk -- Ian Lesser, GMF

Stalled North Korea talks test Trump as dealmaker -- Rebecca Kheel, The Hill

Trump Is Right to Talk to Kim -- Salvatore Babones, National Interest

Why Iran is battling US at International Court of Justice -- Makram Najmuddine, Al-Monitor

As Europe revolts, Brussels demands ever more integration -- Kai Weiss, CAPX

Venezuela’s hyperinflation fuels misery for poor but enriches elite through currency exchanges -- Jay Weaver And Antonio Maria Delgado, Miami Herald

Venezuela: is a US-backed 'military option' to oust Maduro gaining favour? -- Joe Parkin Daniels, The Guardian

Trump’s trade war is a circular firing squad -- William Pesek, Asia Times

President Trump: A Creeping Coup? -- Daniel L. Davis, National Interest

Extremism and fragile states -- Clifford D. May, Washington Times

The Case for Realistic Generals -- Trent Lythgoe, Modern War Institute

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