Monday, September 24, 2018

Former U.S. National Security Leaders Warn That President Trump's Iran Strategy Could Spark War

The Hill: National security leaders: Trump's Iran strategy could spark war

A bipartisan group of national security leaders on Sunday warned that the Trump administration's strategy toward Iran could lead to a larger conflict, as the president plans to attend the upcoming United Nations General Assembly.

In a statement released by the group National Coalition To Prevent An Iranian Nuclear Weapon, more than 50 prominent foreign policy figures said the administration's pressure campaign against Tehran "has left Iran the option of either capitulation or war."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: President Trump's policies are not going to spark a U.S. Iran war. In fact .... Iran has been waging war against U.S. allies and preaching the Death to America for years .... long before President Trump assumed the Oval Office.


jimbrown said...

"Bipartisan" is usually mentioned when it us not.

Anonymous said...

"Iran has been waging war against U.S. allies and preaching the Death to America for years... "

Typical pro-US hypocrisy... Who do you think has been funding the MEK terrorist group for years (plus other, similar terror groups) fighting a proxy guerilla war inside Iran? Uncle Sam, that's who.

And can someone explain, with a straight face, how trying to use sanctions to cripple Iran's economy and impoverish its people is somehow *not* a form of belligerence? Does taking bread off of ordinary Iranians' tables somehow *not* count as aggression?