Thursday, September 13, 2018

Has Twitter Banned The Phrase 'Illegal Alien' For Paid Promotion Posts?

FOX News: Twitter wouldn't allow promotion of 'illegal aliens' tweet, immigration group claims

The executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is claiming that Twitter blocked the group from promoting a tweet that included the words "illegal aliens."

"Twitter just rejected paid promotion of the tweet below, saying: "This determination is based on the following Twitter Ads policy: Hateful Content," executive director Mark Krikorian tweeted Tuesday.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Out of curiosity I tried to promote this post on Twitter. And yes .... Twitter said that because it violates their policy guidelines, they cannot promote it.


Anonymous said...

As if we need another excuse to go out and start smashing Genesis CD’s...

fred said...

The current euphemism used by just about everyone and organization, including the right and the left is: undocumented....but

Both terms refer to the same group of people. However, oftentimes, foreign nationals in the U.S. without lawful status have not violated any criminal laws. For example, people who enter lawfully but then overstay their lawful status are removable (i.e. deportable) from the U.S., but this is not a crime. Therefore, to say they are "illegal aliens" is not only inflammatory, but very possibly inaccurate (or, at least, misleading.)

Anonymous said...

Yes Fred because we are talking about tourists that just accidentally overstayed their visas...brilliant.

Anon #87 said...

Sorry Fred, "undocumented" is NOT what Left and Right use.
The Unity Party in DC, Judas GOPe and Leftists, use that phrase.

Outside the Bubble, Americans use "Illegals" to describe illegals.

fred said...

I usually refer to those here that should not be here as illegals but more often than not see them referred to as undocumented. Why snarksters need pick on me says something about them and not about me

Anonymous said...

When the Democrat party uses an euphemism or replaces a a one or two word name with a longer phrase, you know they are abusing the English language in order to lie.

When I lived overseas they called me an alien or stranger. That is what they used on their ID cards for foreigners.

They did not extend voting rights, permanent residency rights or welfare to me. In other words they did not act like idiot Democrats.

In California you have an idiot Democrat running for statewide office who want to give every illegal alien medical care with full welfare no doubt soon to follow.

"More undocumented immigrants would qualify for health care in $250 million California plan"

Roger Smith said...

1984. Newspeak.

Daniel said...

Serious question, Fred, if someone overstays their legal stay, aren't they therefore in the country illegally from there on out? And aliens are aliens: strangers, foreigners.

fred said...

Yes. and subject to arrest. But still in general, and among media etc they are for some reason referred to as undocumented workers you can try to pin that on one party but that is simply NOT how the term is used, and like it or not, undocumented is the euphemism used.

Daniel said...

But that does not make calling them illegal aliens inaccurate or misleading, regardless of what other feelings one may have on the matter (calling them "criminal aliens" would be, but I haven't seen that one yet). Inflammatory? That seems very subjective - again, regardless of how one feels about those people and what, if anything, one thinks should be done about their situation.

Anonymous said...

Democrat leaders use the term undocumented.

Liberal media uses the term, undocumented, to advance a narrative, an agenda.

Liberal voters read liberal media and vote for Democrat leaders ...

until they can vote for socialists

One of them issues an apologia to fend off true accusations ... long enough ... so the Democrat column can complete its' mission

... of destruction.

Delay and holding tactics